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    Gordon Williamson

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    Posts posted by Gordon Williamson

    1. You should also note that the standard size of the Cockade worn below the eagle was 22-25mm, so on the normal later one piece Eagle/cockade for the Matrosenmtüze, the eagle (at around 50mm) is around 2 x the size of the cockade. You can see this size comparison clearly on any good clear photo. However if you look at any original period photos of the first type eagle worn on the Matrosenmütze it is very clear that the eagle is not twice the size of the cockade, but smaller, around 1.5 x the size of the cockade.(i.e. 38mm). Your 50mm eagle is not for the Matrosenmütze but for the Visor cap.

    2. I've seen other refinished pieces ( like KM badges) where the "new" Gilding has a frosted appearance so I presume a competent jeweller would be able to recreate this effect. I don't think this in itself would be a determining factor for originality.

      Even the normal silver RK without Swords by Zimmermann is excessively rare so I suspect anyone wanting to gild a genuine silver RK to pass it off as a Gold grade would use the much more common Deschler type.

    3. Hi Peter,

      No, they were made from different dies. If they made them from the same dies as the "with" Swords, then they would have ribbed arms for the suspension eye instead of smooth.


      Reg. Zimmermann-crosses

      What do you think about the cross without swords. Were they made from the ones with swords or from specific w/o swords-dies? With that small amount awarded...easier, cheaper just to remove the swordspart!?


    4. How many of these gold versions were awarded? Are they solid gold or plated?


      It is not known for sure that anyone actually received the physical award itself but two definite recipients "on paper" are known just before the war ended. The award was in effect a gold plated verion of the silver Cross.

      No awards of the Gold version with Swords have yet been established but the award itself did exist. Examples of both with and without Swords Knight's Crosses were liberated from Schloss Klessheim.

    5. The link will only be of use to GMIC members who are also members on WAF, otherwise like me, they won't see the images.

      However, Craig has sent me set of images of the piece in question which is marked 900 20 for Zimmermann. I will add the shots here here in comparison shots alongside an original RK of the KVk by Zimmermann in Silver.

      No question in my mind that the Gold example is also a genuine and very rare Zimmermann made piece. There are several die characteristics of Zimmermann RK you can see that match on both pieces ( e.g. the manner in which the "horizontal" top arm of the numeral "3" actually seems to slope very slightly upwards to the left.

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    6. Thanks Erich. Given the extra couple of week or so for books to cross the Atlantic, plus the fact that the heavy snow and ice have meant that the UK has virtually closed down (well over a week since I last saw a postman)readers in the States will see the book well before I get my hands on a copy !

      I'm confident that Roger will have done his usual great job on design and layout though and can't wait to see the final product.

    7. Yes, there were certainly KM caps which did have a less floppy appearance, usually because the cap-spring was still inside the top. I believe there was in fact a specific size that KM tops were supposed to be(I do somewhere have a note of the regulation dimensions)and that this was larger than the typical BM top.

      Of course once you get into "private purchase" the size and materials used in regulaion caps may well not have been followed. This is why I have chosen never to own anything other than regulation issue caps where determining originality is quite simple and you will never end up with a cap that will always be the subject of debate and uncertainty. Like blue-lined Bordmützen, private purchase Matrosenmützen are things I wouldn't touch with a bargepole.

      The cap in question here may be a period piece, but its not one I would ever want to own, but thats just a matter of personal preference. It would be interesting to hear Michel's take on this one. His is the opinion that would swing it for me on KM headgear.

      Private purchase sailors caps are like SS M-43 caps, for every one who likes it there will be someone else who will swear its bad.

    8. There was no colour difference between BM and KM. There may be colour differences between individual caps, but this is nothing to do with whether they are KM or BM.

      Actually from an external view, your Kriegsmarine cap does look like a Bundesmarine example. Kriegsmarine caps would normally have a wider, softer top. The smaller tops are usually typical of the Bundesmarine era.

      Kriegsmarine caps usually have a larger, floppy top like this one.

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    9. Hi Mervyn

      Thanks for the kind offer but I'm more into badges/insignia with my British & Commonwealth stuff and really only Military Police ( I know that in some cases the para-military aspect of some forces blurs the divide between civil and military police!) .

      Don't really have the space to display uniforms. The two uniforms I own and handful of caps are all stored away in a closet as I've nowhere to display them, militaria having to compete for space with my Vivariums in a smallish room !

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