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    Gordon Williamson

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    Posts posted by Gordon Williamson

    1. Even though many of us had already considered this type to be a Juncker product for some time, this has been a very useful study by Norm.

      Its always nice to freshly review the circumstantial evidence which led us to attribute this type to Juncker, (and most of the evidence we have for attributing non-maker marked badges IS circumstantial) and to see it so well presented and laid out certainly reinforces my view at least, that these were indeed most likely by Juncker.

    2. Gordon,

      If you intend on including Waffen-SS in your Feldgendarmerie book, my friend has a really nice SS-Sturmann of Feldgendarmerie tunic from the Totenkopf Division. He is very active in helping authors whenever they need photographic support. He has many items published in Mike Beaver's, Bender's and Armes Militaria. Here is a photo of it from his 2007 Chantilly Show exhibit. This is an M43 tunic with the "SS-Feldgendarmerie" cuffband. It is Ravensbruck-marked.


      Willi Schumacher Collection/Bob Wirtz Photo

      Hi Bob,

      Yes, the book will cover Waffen-SS too. In fact all branches, Heer, Luftwaffe, Waffen-SS and Kriegsmarine plus related type organisations like the Feldjäger, Streifendienst etc

      I would be delighted to include Willi's very rare tunic in the book. Do you think it would be possible at some time ( no hurry, still a lot of work to do on the project yet) to get photos of it against a plain white background like the attached photo of an Army Feldgendarmerie tunic, with the cuffband clearly seen ?

      Best regards


    3. A friend of mine just bought this ensemble attributed to Kurt Marlow.

      Doesn't seem to be too much information available on the Net for this guy. So far, we know the following.

      Generalmajor Kurt Marlow

      Born : 26 September 1892

      Military Service:

      1 October 1913 Einjahriger Freiwilliger Husaren Regt. 7

      2 January 1915 Leutnant der Reserve

      17 November 1915 Leutnant Fa. Regt 23

      1 October 1934 Kommandeur III/ Art. Regt 8

      1 April 1937 Oberstleutnant

      1 September 1939 – 6 September 1940 Artillerie Regt 614

      1 April 1940 Oberst

      25 March 1941 – June 1942 Stab Heeres Feuerwerkerschule I – Berlin Lichterfelde

      June 1942 – February 1945 Kommandeur Feldzeug Kommando XXI

      1 October 1943 Generalmajor

      February 1945 – May 1945 Kommandeur zur Aufstellung eines Divisions Stab zum Befehlshaber Erzgebirge.

      The tunic has the usual loops for a ribbon bar above the pocket, with loops on the pocket for four awards (two in the centre, one above the other, and one to each side)

      Does anyone have any info on the awards to which he was entitled so the uniform can be correctly "dressed" for display ?

    4. Compare also the red in the centre of the cockade with the colour of the Soutache.

      Now of course the Soutache material might fade at a different rate to the material in the centre of the cockade, but the real clue is in the extreme ends of the Soutache, sewn into the cap material on the inside of the flap, where they are protected and remain unfaded. Definitely Orange and not the Hochrot of Artillery.

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