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    Posts posted by slava1stclass

    1. The well-known NYC-area dealer has not had any fresh Full Cavalier-related inventory for quite some time. That inventory which he does advertise - a complete Full Cavalier set ($29,000.00) and a single Order of Glory 1st Class ($9,700.00) - has been sitting for months with no takers. The Full Cavalier set (post # 96 above) has been on the market for 16 months.

      Either his price points are too high and/or the collecting community is leery of investing capital in these challenging economic times.




      He recently dropped the price on the single Glory 1st Class by $800.00. He is also now offering a "composite" Full Cavalier set that contains the original Glory 1st Class, the Full Cavalier's 1985-issue OPW 1 and a Glory II and Glory III that were added to round out the set (with their associated "made to match" serial numbers). FWIW, there is a nice set of documents with this offering. Asking price for this "composite" set is $11,500.00.



    2. Slava - could you confirm the name of the badge.

      The inscription at the back reads (IMHO) "For excellent shooting"

      Could we infer that this might be awarded for marksmanship as well as training of the gun crew perhaps?

      Its the first time I've seen one of these (and I love it!!!)


      Jim :cheers


      I agree with the name of the badge. An acceptable alternate translation for the inscription (especially given the naval angle) would be "For excellent firing."

      As I'm unfamiliar with this badge, I would not hazard a guess as to its award criteria.



    3. I am not familar with the word "__??__"- It reads "plutong." Neither am I familiar with the abreviation at the end. WIsh I could help more there.

      I also have little doubts that this was a personal award to A.A. Grigoriev in 1932.

      Jim :cheers:


      "Plutong" is an obsolete Russian word that, in a naval context, would be the equivalent of a shipboard gun battery. It went out of use in the early 20th Century. МСЧиАМ is the acronym for the Naval Forces of the Black and Azov Seas. Hope this helps.



    4. Gents,

      Given the continuing malaise of the world economy, there has not been much to report.

      The well-known NYC-area dealer has not had any fresh Full Cavalier-related inventory for quite some time. That inventory which he does advertise - a complete Full Cavalier set ($29,000.00) and a single Order of Glory 1st Class ($9,700.00) - has been sitting for months with no takers. The Full Cavalier set (post # 96 above) has been on the market for 16 months.

      Either his price points are too high and/or the collecting community is leery of investing capital in these challenging economic times.

      A word of caution. A few obviously fake Full Cavalier sets have been offered on eBay over the past year - largely originating from sellers in the Baltic states.



    5. Bah, after almost trading these as unresearched... the research turned up in a drawer... lost for 3 years....

      Can anyone tell me the unit? Maybe where they were fighting?




      This guy was a Guards Private assigned to the 74th Separate Guards Commo Company, 48th Guards Rifle Division. He was a motorcyclist/courier.



    6. Gents,

      As it liberated Soviet cities and villages, the Red Army would routinely accept orphaned children into its ranks . In this October 11th, 1944 image from the 1st Ukainian Front, Guards Captain A. Chernavin speaks with 14-year old Fyodya Samodurov in a village in Voronezh Oblast. Fyodya had earlier been awarded the Medal for Valor for bravery in action.



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