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    Posts posted by slava1stclass

    1. But why, oh why, did they have to put HIS awards in such a grimy and hard-to-photograph case???

      To all:

      Ed raises a great point. The displays I've seen in former Soviet war museums have generally been outstanding - Kyiv's war museum is particularly well done. The issue cutting across all of them, however, is the absence of adequate lighting/illumination in the individual display cases which leaves one straining to see details.



    2. I never said the soldier didn't "assumed command".

      His commander, however, was "taken out of action" or "put out of action". This is a common, passive voice phrase and infers the commander was wounded, contused, or killed in action. To make the leap that the commander "panicked" is simply wrong.

      To all:

      Concur in Dudeman's take. He, if anyone, should know.



    3. To all:

      Very disturbing news out of Russia. According to the below article dated October 4th, 2007, the sole surviving HSU and Full Cavalier of the Order of Glory, Nikolay Kuznetsov, was the victim of a devastating robbery. Stolen were his original HSU, Order of Lenin, Order of the Red Banner, Order of the Patriotic War First Class and Second and Third Class Orders of Glory.



      У советского разведчика украли Звезду Героя

      В Новгородской области неизвестные ограбили легендарного советского разведчика Николая Кузнецова, сообщает РИА Новости со ссылкой на представителя Новгородской прокуратуры. Злоумышленники унесли с собой его правительственные награды.

      По информации агентства, у 85-летнего Кузнецова украли Звезду Героя Советского Союза, а также ордена Ленина, Красного Знамени, Отечественной войны первой степени, Славы второй и третьей степеней. В настоящее время преступников найти не удалось. По факту ограбления оперативники возбудили уголовное дело.

      Николай Кузнецов в 1940 году закончил разведшколу и был внедрен в подразделения абвера в Кенигсберге в качестве офицера связи. В 1944 году Кузнецов получил Звание Героя Советского Союза. С 1959 года проживает в городе Пестово.

      В настоящее время Николай Кузнецов является единственным в России полным кавалеров орденов Славы.

    4. Dear Auke,

      also researcher Gregory provides now scans and no more xerox copies, as you can see by the latest research of my Glory-Trio: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=198433 :D .

      Best regards :beer:


      To all:

      Logistically, it's a lot easier to save a digital copy (should he receive additional requests for the same research) than it is to trudge on over to Podolsk for repeat hard copies. Digital age = greater efficiency = higher profit margins.



    5. To all:

      Guards Lt Gen (Tank Troops) V. I. Zhdanov. HSU award date and date of rank to Lt Gen are the same day ? 13 September 1944. Guards Lt Gen Zhdanov commanded the 4th Guards "Stalingrad" Mechanized Corps, 3rd Ukrainian Front. He is one of only 22 foreigners to have been awarded the Yugoslavian Order of the Peoples' Hero. Later promoted to Col Gen (Tank Troops), he tragically died in an aviation accident on 19 October 1964 in the vicinity of Belgrade, Yugoslavia (strangely enough).



    6. Ouch! :banger:

      Now an even nicer hero group


      "just" $55K!!!!!!! :speechless1::speechless1::speechless1:

      Let me see, I have THRE children, and a wife, and a cat, and . . . .

      (And the hero star for Vienna, Christian, hello, . . . ???? :rolleyes: )

      To all:

      55K and not a single PMD Certificate of Authenticity in sight. Be careful, as this stuff might not be "authentic."

      My, how times have changed.



    7. Here is your man... Have a look at his orders (including the Suvorov 3rd Class). My russian is not good enough to help more... :rolleyes:



      To all:

      While the feat that earned him his HSU and Lenin represents one of the hundreds awarded for the Dnieper river crossing, this bio entry certainly nails the Ordenskaya Knizhka dead to rights!



    8. True, true. I know the free-fall of the $US all TOO personally. Also, in at least the Soviet and Mongolian fora, long delays in research has probably contributed to silence.

      More specifically, Jim has thrown us a :banger::banger: question!


      All the more reason for you to get out there and publish. Let's fill the military sections of Walden Books, Borders Books, Barnes and Noble etc. with more Mongolian and Soviet-related titles. This alone will help increase knowledge and grow the interest base. Self-published endeavors, while commendable, just won't do it with their low print runs. You have to hit the masses.

      The German enthusiasts do this especially well - just scan these stores' shelves for Motorbooks publications dealing with the topic. English language Soviet offerings pale in comparison.

      Get to it. You can do it!



    9. To all:

      A recent quick scan of IM's website revealed that his normally well-stocked categories are looking mighty thin these days. His HSU, Lenin, Top Soviet Military Orders, Order of Glory and Army & Navy Bravery Medals (among others) were all rather low on stock.

      Heaven's goodness. Could we soon be facing yet another NOTA BENE situation?



    10. While many of my recent questions languish, I'll try one more.

      A document. What is it?


      This is a first class driver's license. It authorizes him to operate vehicles (automobiles) with the exception of buses and ambulances.



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