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    Scott Powell

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    Posts posted by Scott Powell

    1. very interesting indeed. When exactly did the "tea party" take place?

      here is some info MR B

      Victory in the French and Indian War was costly for the British. At the war's

      conclusion in 1763, King George III and his government looked to taxing the American colonies as a way of recouping their war costs. They were also looking for ways to reestablish control over the colonial governments that had become increasingly independent while the Crown was distracted by the war. Royal ineptitude compounded the problem. A series of actions including the Stamp Act (1765), the Townsend Acts (1767) and the Boston Massacre (1770) agitated the colonists, straining relations with the mother country. But it was the Crown's attempt to tax tea that spurred the colonists to action and laid the groundwork for the American Revolution.

      The colonies refused to pay the levies required by the Townsend Acts claiming they had no obligation to pay taxes imposed by a Parliament in which they had no representation. In response, Parliament retracted the taxes with the exception of a duty on tea - a demonstration of Parliament's ability and right to tax the colonies. In May of 1773 Parliament concocted a clever plan. They gave the struggling East India Company a monopoly on the importation of tea to America. Additionally, Parliament reduced the duty the colonies would have to pay for the imported tea. The Americans would now get their tea at a cheaper price than ever before.

      However, if the colonies paid the duty tax on the imported tea they would be acknowledging Parliament's right to tax them. Tea was a staple of colonial life - it was assumed that the colonists would rather pay the tax than deny themselves the pleasure of a cup of tea.

      The colonists were not fooled by Parliament's ploy. When the East India Company sent shipments of tea to Philadelphia and New York the ships were not allowed to land. In Charleston the tea-laden ships were permitted to dock but their cargo was consigned to a warehouse where it remained for three years until it was sold by patriots in order to help finance the revolution.

      In Boston, the arrival of three tea ships ignited a furious reaction. The crisis came to a head on December 16, 1773 when as many as 7,000 agitated locals milled about the wharf where the ships were docked. A mass meeting at the Old South Meeting House that morning resolved that the tea ships should leave the harbor without payment of any duty. A committee was selected to take this message to the Customs House to force release of the ships out of the harbor. The Collector of Customs refused to allow the ships to leave without payment of the duty. Stalemate. The committee reported back to the mass meeting and a howl erupted from the meeting hall. It was now early evening and a group of about 200 men disguised as Indians assembled on a near-by hill. Whopping war chants, the crowd marched two-by-two to the wharf, descended upon the three ships and dumped their offending cargos of tea into the harbor waters.

      Most colonists applauded the action while the reaction in London was swift and vehement. In March 1774 Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts which among other measures closed the Port of Boston. The fuse that led directly to the explosion of American independence was lit.

    2. Great thread guys.

      I've really enjoyed following this one! I must admit, though, I was quite disapointed, when I picked up a book 'cataloging' his kills. The vast majority were old fashioned or out of date two seaters. It sort of took away the aura for me. Am I being unfair? This great history, though.



      IMHO the two seater artillery reconnisance planes that were the majority of his victims were the most important taget he could have gone after. these were the 'eyes' of the armyand artillery, and destroying these planes saved german infantry. whilst it may not be as exciting or 'hounourable' as fighting another'ace' in a dogfight, depriving the enemy of viatl information was the MVR's top priority

    3. I havecalways thought it was a lone gunman ,simply beucase a ground mounted machine gun is going to havea fairly tight shot group,and its VERY difficult to belive that out of a burst of MG fire only ONE bullet would find the mark. no other bullest hit the man,and the repots of the triplane indicate VERY little damage was done

    4. Yes, but only after he gives his spiel about how he thinks it might also be real. The only reason he said it might be a copy is so he covers his butt in case, someone wants to return it. "Sorry but I said it might be a copy, no refunds". :angry: Typical ebay mumbo jumbo to fool people into buying something. :shame: In my mind this is no better than someone who just comes and declares it 100% real, knowing it is 100% crap.

      Dan Murphy

      agreed, i was being ironic. :beer:

    5. Hi Guys,

      Whilst I was overseas, I was told about and visited a really interesting website, all about collecting Bronze Stars, it had information on the various types of naming, pit falls for the unwary, just about everything you need to know about collecting these medals, but can i find it again :angry:

      Can anyone help?

      here are a few i found,hope they help





    6. A nice trio Scott and I see your avatar has changed slightly too ;)

      I have 2 mounted (not court mounted) trios whereby the the pin is present but have seen attachments for ribbon bars without a pin. They had brass rings similar to a keyring to hold it in place and the other had something like small rosettes that slotted over 2 short pins at each end of the bar.


      would love to see your trio's

      can you tell the bug has bitten me tony? :cheers:

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