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    Scott Powell

    Past Contributor
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    Posts posted by Scott Powell

    1. Nice update folks.

      Scott, what unit was your Grandfather in? It would be nice to know his history. It does annoy me in UK that not enough is done to remember the sacrefices made for the freedom that we live in today. I'm glad that your Vets are generally looked after across the water. :food-smiley-004:

      He was in the 2/120th of the 30th Inf divison,went ashore June 15 1944,fought in the hedgrows until they were stalled in St Lo. operation Cobra was to be the breakout of St Lo. It was sucessful,but on two seprate days allied bombing killed 60 men because the smoke to mark enemy lines blew back onto the allied lines.He was killed in the opening moments of the operation =(

    2. Any aviation buffs? I have always had a love and interest of aviation if the first world war. Can you imagine :no parachute,until 1918 just one machinegun,(for single seaters) a very fragile plane...... I have such respect for the RFC/RAF , even in the face of overwhelming odds they kept putting up line patrols and flights. I would have loved to have flown a CAmel or an S.E.5A .

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