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    Posts posted by g_deploige

    1. Verdun has been decorated with 26 medals and is the most decorated town of France

      Croix de la L?gion d?Honneur (avec le droit de la faire figurer sur ses armoiries),

      Croix de Guerre 1914-1918 avec palme (? la fin de la guerre, la ville est d?cor?e d?une seconde palme),

      Croix de Saint-Georges (Russie),

      Military Cross (Grande Bretagne et Irlande),

      M?daille d?Or de la Valeur Militaire (Italie),

      Croix de L?opold 1er (Belgique),

      M?daille d?Or de la Bravoure Militaire (Serbie),

      M?daille d?Or Obilitch (Mont?n?gro),

      Grand Cordon de l?Ordre de la Tour et de l?Ep?e (Portugal),

      Grand Cordon du Tigre Tachet? (Chine),

      Croix de la Libert? de Premi?re Classe (Estonie),

      Croix de Guerre de Premi?re Classe(Gr?ce),

      M?daille de la Vertu Militaire(Roumanie),

      Croix de Guerre Polonaise(Pologne),

      M?daille Comm?morative en Or(Etats-Unis d?Am?rique),

      Ordre de Kin Khan (Annam),

      Croix de Guerre (Tch?coslovaquie ),

      Croix de la Couronne de Ch?ne et M?daille des Volontaires Luxembourgeois (Luxembourg),

      M?daille d?Or de l?Ordre Royal (Cambodge),

      M?daille du M?rite Militaire Ch?rifien (Maroc),

      Ordre du Nichan-Iftikhar (Tunisie),

      Croix de l?Ordre Militaire du Lacplesis (Lettonie),

      Ordre Royal des Millions d?El?phants et du Parasol Blanc (Laos),

      Croix de Saint-Charles (Monaco).

      En1948, la Ville de Verdun se vit d?cerner une citation qui lui valut la Croix de Guerre 1939-1945 avec ?toile d?Argent pour s??tre ? montr?e toujours digne de son glorieux pass? ? et avoir men?, ? par tous les moyens, avec t?nacit?, la lutte contre l?occupant ?.

    2. Commeoration medals given to towns


      Soissons m?daille de l?Aisne

      Varennes-en-Argonne m?daille de l?Argonne

      Ramberville m?daille d?Arras

      Ch?teau-Thi?rry m?daille de l?Artois

      Meaux m?daille de la Marne

      Saint-Michel m?daille Saint-Michel

      P?ronne m?daille de la Somme

      Nieuport (Belgium) m?daille des Trois Cit?s and m?daille de l?Yser

      Dixmude(Belgium) m?daille des Trois Cit?s and m?daille de l?Yser

      Ypres (Belgium) m?daille des Trois Cit?s and m?daille de l?Yser

      Li?ge (Belgium) m?daille de liege

      Verdun m?daille de Verdun


      Dunkerque m?daille de Dunkerque

      Gembloux (Belgium) m?daille de Gembloux, m?daille des Flandres et Dunkerque

      Amiens m?daille de la Somme

      Metz m?daille de la liberation de Metz

      Nancy m?daille de la liberation de Nancy

    3. Towns decorated by la Croix de guerre (France)

      Duinkerque 1914-1918 1939-1945

      Ypres (Belgium) 1914-1918

      Toulon 1939-1945

      Abbeville 1939-1945

      Saumur 1939-1945

      Paris 1939-1945

      Strasbourg 1939-1945

      Caen 1939-1945

      Lille 1914-1918 1939-1945

      Vassieux-en-Vercors 1939-1945

      Lorient 1939-1945

      Reims 1939-1945

      Tarbes 1939-1945

      Verduin 1914-1918 1939-1945

      Click here to see croix de guerre 1914-1918

      Click here to see croix de guerre 1939-1945

    4. 18 towns has been decorated by the M?daille de la R?sistance (France)

      Bethincourt 15/10/1945

      Brest 31/3/1947

      Caen 24/4/1946

      Caniac du Causse 24/4/1946

      La Chapelle-en-Vercors 15/10/1945

      Lyon 20/11/1946

      Marsoulas 31/3/1947

      Meximieux 22/9/1945

      Montceau-les-Mines 24/4/1946

      Nantua 16/1/1947

      Territoire de la nouvelle-Caledonie 24/4/1946

      Oyonnax 16/1/1947

      Plogasnou 31/3/1947

      Saint-Nizier-du-Moucherotte 15/10/1945

      Ile de sein 1/1/1946

      Tavaux 31/3/1947

      Terrou 23/9/1945

      Thones 15/10/1945

      Click here to see the medal

    5. 68 towns has been decorated with the L?gion d?honneur

      L?gion d?honneur French Towns

      Chalon-sur-Sa?ne 22/5/1815

      Tournus 22/5/1815

      Saint-Jean-de-Losne 22/5/1815

      Roanne 7/5/1864

      Ch?teaudun 3/10/1877

      Belfort 19/4/1896

      Ramberville 19/4/1896

      Saint-Quentin 6/6/1897

      Dijon 18/5/1899

      Paris 9/10/1900

      Bazeilles 9/10/1900

      Lille 9/10/1900

      Valenciennes 9/10/1900

      Landrecies 19/10/1900

      Saint-Dizier 16/9/1905

      P?ronne 3/10/1913

      Verduin 12/9/1916

      Bitche 14/6/1919

      Reims 4/7/1919

      Dunkerque 9/8/1919

      Strasbourg 14/8/1919

      Phalsbourg 14/8/1919

      Arras 30/8/1919

      Lens 30/8/1919

      Cambrai 13/9/1919

      Douai 13/9/1919

      Longwy 20/9/1919

      Bapaume 10/10/1919

      Nancy 11/10/1919

      Metz 27/10/1919

      B?thune 5/12/1919

      Soissons 15/1/1920

      Thionville 15/1/1920

      Noyon 11/7/1920

      Ch?teau-Thierry 17/7/1920

      Montdidier 22/9/1924

      Nomeny 28/9/1928

      Badonviller 20/4/1929

      Gerbeville 23/7/1930

      Pont-?-Mousson 21/8/1930

      Longuyon 21/8/1930

      Audun-le-Roman 21/8/1930

      Albert 15/4/1932

      Boulogne-sur-Mer 10/7/1947

      Calais 10/7/1947

      Brest 9/2/1948

      Abbeville 2/6/1948

      Amiens 2/6/1948

      Caen 2/6/1948

      Saint-L? 2/6/1948

      Saint-Malo 8/7/1948

      Falaise 21/8/1948

      Evreux 27/8/1948

      Argentan 28/2/1949

      Ascq 28/2/1949

      Etobon 28/2/1949

      Le Havre 28/2/1949

      Lorient 28/2/1949

      Lyon 28/2/1949

      Oradour-sur-Glan 28/2/1949

      Rouen 28/2/1949

      Saint-Di? 28/2/1949

      Saint-Nazaire 28/2/1949

      Beavais 1957

      L?gion d?honneur to No French towns

      Li?ge (Belgium) 7/8/1914

      Belgrado (Serbia) 28/12/1920

      Luxembourg 1957

      Stalingrad (Russia) 1984

    6. The Town of Li?ge (Belgium)

      Who stopped the first german attack in august 1914

      Croix de Guerre italienne,

      Croix de Guerre belge 1940 avec palme,

      Croix de la L?gion d'Honneur

      M?daille militaire pour la bravoure, en or, du Royaume des Serbes

      see here olso the photo of the offical cerimony for the L?gion d'honneur, given to the town in 1914 after the first WW with king Albert and Queen Elisabeth, President Pointcar? and Mar?chal Foch of France

    7. On eBay France is at the moment in auction a first model (Called model of London) of the Order of liberation with the first model of ribbon, Click Here to see :love::love:

      But the Price is raising very quicly, at noon it started at 30 euro, now it is already at 300 euro :mad::angry:

      The seller redrawed his object :mad: , this morning it was at 600 euro, probably someone did him an offer and he ended his auction, it is a pitty, i had liked to know witch price it would go :angry:

    8. Educate a poor fool... what is the model Brazaville ??

      Dear Chris

      the model brazaville is a little smaller than the model of london, and has only stripes on the sword in one direction.

      The decoration is olso havyer like you can see on the picture above. These models where mode localy in Congo Brazaville, don't verget it was wartime, and if some one had to be decorated, the medal had to be there, it was not always simple to get one of London. ;)

      more information about the model London and the ribbon see on website of the order of liberation

    9. On eBay France is at the moment in auction a first model (Called model of London) of the Order of liberation with the first model of ribbon, Click Here to see :love::love:

      But the Price is raising very quicly, at noon it started at 30 euro, now it is already at 300 euro :mad::angry:

      the photos are from the auction on ebay.fr :speechless:

    10. Look at the form of the first character on both of your inscriptions, this is what helps to date it. In this case they are both Meiji period inscriptions.

      Best regards,


      Dear Paul

      Thank you for the information, if I'am well informd the Meiji periode is from 1868 until 1912.

      so this object can be date in this periode.

      Do you have an idea what the symbols are from the periode 1912 until 1945



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