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    Posts posted by PrussianMauser

    1. born 7 October 1861 at Graudenz and indeed spent much of his earlier career at the HKA. At mobilisation he became commander of RIR 10 and promoted to Oberst on 5 September 14. Relinquished command of RIR 10 on 20 November 14 following a wound and on recovery assumed command of RIR 82 on 20 January 1915. On 2 January 1917 commander of 244. Infanterie-Brigade in 237 Infanterie-Division the East. Generalmajor on 22 March 1918 and commander of 14. Division on 9 July 1918. Plm 4 Ocober 1918 for conduct during the defensive battles in Champagne. Retired 12 August 1919. "Tannenberg" promotion to char. Generalleutnant on 27 August 1939.

      Nice work. As someone who is striving to be a better Imperial researcher, do you mind if I ask where you got this info?

    2. There is a single Pohlmann in the 1926 Ehren-Rangliste who was mustered out as a Generalmajor. Before the war, the man in question was an Oberstleutnant at the Haupt-Kadettenanstalt in Berlin-Lichterfelde. Apparently, he continued in this capacity during the war. However, he may have served as commander of the 14th Division for a period of time. I haven't been able to confirm that though.

      In 1914, while a Oberstleutant at the Prussian Cadet School, Pohlmann's awards were as follows:

      Red Eagle Order 4th Class

      Order of the Crown 3rd Class

      25-Year Service Cross

      Schaumburg-Lippe House Order, Officer Honor Cross

      Order of the Romanian Crown, Commander Class (Limited to only 150 holders)

      Order of the Siamese Crown, Commander Class

      He had been promoted from Major on 1 October 1912, at which time he only had the Red Eagle Order, the 25-Year Service Cross, and the Schaumburg-Lippe House Order.

      Considering the fact that he recieved his 25-Year Service Cross in 1907, one could assume he was commissioned in 1882.

    3. I recently bought an Dünkelblau Überrock with a black velvet collar of the older vintange, i.e. it has the Passanten for the shoulder boards and has non-parallel rows of buttons. The big question in my mind is the Passanten, which are definitely not Prussian considering the presence of red in the Litzen. I was thinking Württemberg or Mecklenburg, but I'm not sure. Railway, Post? (Hopefully not.)

      What are your thoughts?


    4. Unless you really, really, really need one to that unit, I would pass.

      A wise collector once posted.... if it is a Blue tunic, and not mint, mint... it is not worth buying.

      It is a lesson I learned the hard way.... but I learned it.

      You can find pleanty in better condition, and not costing much more.



      Where is a good place to find the Dunkelblau tunics? I really like them but I very rarely see any for sale, let alone cheap.

    5. Yes, Alsheim. I thought it was pretty interesting that a guy from the Grand Duchy of Hesse wasn't in a Hessian unit, rather Prussian units from Kurhessen/Hessen-Nassau, right next-door (as well as a bunch of guys from Waldeck.)

      So how would one go about finding information about Lt. Kleinhauss and Lt. Anding? I haven't been able to get anything out of the Ranglisten or the 1926 Ehren-Rangliste since they don't deal with the reserve regiments or the regular infantry as high as Nr. 466.

    6. Hello Gentlemen,

      I highly enjoy doing Imperial research, but one comes to a point where he either runs out of resources or otherwise gets stuck and needs to go to the experts for assistance. I'm at that point.

      Earlier this year, I purchased a Imperial document Feldpost kit grouping from a good friend of mine over on the Wehrmacht-Awards forum, my main haunt. I'm trying to find as much information as it is possible to find on the soldier in question: Unteroffizer- later Leutnant der Reserve- Karl Kleinhans (possibly Kleinhaus) of Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 83 and later Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 466. I'll just go ahead and post everything in the grouping, I'd like to hear any thoughts about any of the items.

      Most important, a letter written to the father of Uffz. Kleinhans sent from Senuc, France sending his EKII home to his father. This letter was sent right after RIR83 arrived in France, having previously fought in on the Eastern Front and Serbia. I'd also like to find out any possible information about the Leutnant and Kompanie-Führer of 11. Kom, RIR83 who wrote the letter. I can't make out his name.


      Feldpost kit that everything came in, made of cardboard.


      Inside cover of the Feldpost kit showing 1917/18 calendar. Attached to the folder are paper and envelopes that could be torn off and used, some of these still remain.


      Packet of 15 lick-and-stick labels showing the name of the soldier in question


      Fortunately, one of the lick-and-stick labels was filled out and never used, giving us some further information


      Not sure what this is, some kind of money order?



      A couple of odd and out-of-place items were in the grouping, including this from the Hessian People's Writing Club


      Another odd item. Is anyone able to decipher the writing on the back? Some kind of measurements?


      Unit stamp for what looks like 7. Kom, IR466


      Thanks for any and all help!

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