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    Posts posted by RobertEGreene

    1. I surely know about Schloss Moderwitz--my great granfather Bernhard von Beust was born there. He was one of the numerous von Beust family.

      (We are only distantly related the famous Count Ferdinand von Beust who was an important figure in the German and Austrian

      politics of the 19th century. von Beusts are still around in German politiics cf Ole von Beust).

      Moderwitz is a small town outside Neustadt an der Orla in Thuringia. It is close to Apolda, where the Doberman dog was

      developed by Dobermann the man(a sacred spot for some of us--I have three Dobermans myself)

      The "Schloss Moderwitz" name for the house was by way of being a bit of fun, a reflection of our family's tendency to make

      off the wall jokes that we keep to ourselves. The house is not a schloss(castle) at all

      but a rather nice country house--grandiose perhaps, but not a castle! It still stands. I have a photo if anyone cares.attached file

      My great great grandfather Max Freiherr von Beust was an army officer himself, but since he died in 1832 and the experts say this

      uniform is from the late nineteenth century, this could not be Max. On the other hand, Max(who was the master of Schloss Moderwitz

      in his time) had eleven children. So it seems quite likely that this is one of his numerous sons--not my great grandfather

      however. I know what he looks like and this is not he.

      I have family records that say that someone named Tilo von B did indeed reside at Schloss Moderwitz(someone is writing about going

      to visit him) later in the 19th century--

      presumably one of Max's sons who stayed(my great grandfather went first to the USA eventually and others of Max's numerous

      children did, also(eg Agnes von B who married Adolh Douai, a well known figure in American education, one of the early introducers

      of kindergarten in the USA).

      But I do not have a complete list of Max's children and I have no way to know whether the Tilo of my family records

      was really named Tilo or if that was some sort of nickname, nor do I know whether he was an army officer,

      My great grandfather was--but in the Union Army of the Civil War. He was an army doctor at the Harper's Ferry Hospital

      with the rank of major(I have an oil portrait of him in uniform)

      If anyone can identify the man in the picture , I would surely be interested.


      Robert E. Greene

      QUOTE(Schie?platzmeister @ Mar 12 2007, 14:33 )

      I don't have any Saxon rank lists that go back to this era (1875-1890?). Perhaps Rick (the all-knowing, ever merciful, ....) or someone else can help me figure out what this fellows awards consisted of.

      He would be in a Prussian rank list, not a Saxon one. As the SEHO in first place indicates, he was apparently from one of the small Saxon duchies which were part of the Prussian Army under the various protocols and conventions of the late 1860s. I don't know where Schlo? Moderwitz was, but Moderwitz was in the Grand Duchy of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. He doesn't appear to have a White Falcon, though, which would be first if he were from that state.

      There are no Beusts in the 1875 edition of the Handbuch ?ber den preussischen Staat, which lists civil officials, and I don't have any early military ranklists either, so I can't be of much more help.

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