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    Everything posted by Avitas

    1. Here is one of my faves, the RCAF cap badge in nice condition. My grandfather was in the RCAF so anything RCAF has a special meaning for me. A beauty cap badge IMHO. Pat
    2. and the back of the RCASC cap badge, with some ver-de-gris. All comments welcome. Pat
    3. Next up we have a Royal Canadian Army Service Corps ww2 cap badge. I recently found a whole bunch of pins for these badges so you'll be happy to know they all have original pins now. Pat
    4. Thanks Peter, A hard one to pin down for sure, the sporran badge. Hopefully someone else can let us know what they think. I am just going to keep rolling here with some more ww2 Canadian cap badges. These are the more broader badges, not the specific regiment badges. Please leave some comments or post yours also if you have the same one. First up is a Royal Canadian Corps of Signals. Pat
    5. Thanks Don and Dan, So true, it is an addictive hobby for me as well. Well I have a few more tinnies to go through and hopefully get some info and opinions on, plus if anybody can comment on the earlier tinnies that would be great. Here is an interesting piece, not sure if it's a tinnie, but it fits in here I think. It is a Winterhilfwerk 1944-45 "snowflake" token with German, French, and Italian writing on it. I think you received this when you donated to WHW. It is a nice late-war piece that shows they were still somewhat organized even late into the war. It is painted white on the front and plain metal on the back. Any comments on this or any other tinnie posted so far? Pat
    6. Hi again, This one does seem to be a bit of a mystery as the mini-medal especially doesn't have much sharp definition, but it doesn't have the black finish. I'm not sure if the black and silver spots on the full-size medal are from when it was made, or some sort of oxidation. It is made of bronze as well as the small one, and I'm wondering if there were different types of this medal over the years. The one Laurence posted does have crisper definition, but is that just because mine was made at a lower quality? Hopefully someone else can weigh in on this one. Thanks, Pat
    7. Here is the mini Newfoundland ww2 medal, in bronze. It is kind of like a Canadian penny, but without as much definition. Any ideas on this mini medal? Pat
    8. The reverse of the Newfoundland ww2 medal, with some problems with the finish. Any ideas on it? Pat
    9. Hello all, I recently picked up this Newfoundland Volunteer Service Medal 1939-1945 medal and was wondering if anyone had any opinions on it. It is made of bronze with what looks like a black paint finish. This could be s tarnish as well, as there is some oxidation I believe on fair Brittania as well. I got the set (mini Newfie medal as well) at an antique/retro store that doesn't specialize in militaria, so not much info was available. I know these were given out in the 80's up till now I believe and I was wondering about the rarity of this medal, as Newfoundland couldn't have had to many people in ww2 that didn't receive the Canadian Volunteer service medal. Here first is the full size medal, unnamed. Thanks, Pat
    10. and the back with serial number 6005, not good I think, but I hope I'm wrong. Pat
    11. and the second of these questionable Gestapo dogtags, number 6005. Any opinions on these tags? Thanks, Pat
    12. and the back of the first one, with serial number 7227, maker M9/86.
    13. Hi gentlemen, I have had these two Geheime Staatspolizei ID tags since I started collecting a couple years ago, and have always thought they were probably copies. Can anyone help me determine the authenticity of these? Any originals for posting to compare? Thanks alot, Pat
    14. Here is my other Hindenburg Cross, with maker G6. If anyone knows who this maker is, please let me know, as well as any comments on the Luftschutz and belt buckle. Thanks, Pat
    15. For Tom Y and everyone else, Here is my Ehrenlegion bar with sword (will pick up the medal soon, thanks Tom!. A humble piece, but a neat medal nonetheless.
    16. Great info guys! I thought I saw a "P" before the "O &C", but I wasn't sure. Another tidbit, the entire dress bayo set is magnetic except the leather belt piece and the grips. Better to keep it away from moisture for sure. I am very pleased with this bayo, seems like a nice uncommon dress bayonet, I will hopefully find some more in the future. Any more comments are welcome also. Thanks again, Pat
    17. and the back of the ww1 Canadian artillery badge (again, correct me if I am mistaken). Any thoughts on these cap badges or some of yours of the same type to share? Thanks, Pat
    18. Another one for today, what I believe is a ww1 Canadian artillery badge. If anyone can correct me if I'm wrong, please do. It seems older than my other ww2 cap badges. Hope you enjoy. Pat
    19. and the reverse of the BESL Canadian Legion badge..if anybody has any comments on this or any or all badges in this topic, please leave them. Pat
    20. Next up we have an absolutely pristine British Empire Service League Canadian Legion cap badge. This is a beautiful painted cap badge and one of my favourites. This is ww2 issue I believe, before it was called the Royal Canadian Legion. Anybody else have one to share? Pat
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