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    Posts posted by Avitas

    1. Hello all,

      Just got this beauty in the mail to match my IAB stickpin in the "Vienna" style, a R.S. silver IAB in zinc. Most of the finish is gone but it is not bad for a zincer, and it matches the on-card stickpin perfectly (I will post the pics on that thread as well). The hinge and pin are magnetic (and a little rusty :blush: ) and I am sure its a good one as the seller was a respected member of this forum. It is so nice to have a community I can trust now in my purchases after buying all those fake badges early on. Please leave your comments and thanks for looking!



    2. Pat,

      On another forum (I'm not sure if it's frowned upon to post a link here?) there is a cap exactly like yours with the same markings.

      The conclusion there is: "Spanish infantry enlisted, years 40-50s"


      Hi Mike,

      Good sleuthing! Can you PM me the link? I would like to see it for sure. That is very cool if it is a Spanish cap from the Franco era. Thanks again,


    3. Hmm, I will try to decipher the writing here, and maybe someone can figure it out. It may also be an Italian cap made by a German supplier,as some words look Italian and German. Here it goes:

      1st Box of info:

      Crown, followed by"E.C.I.VESTUART?

      Unden 1??? (a date, but barely legible, looks like 1939 or 1930)

      Taller 11 M 5 E ?

      TALLA 1"

      The 2nd box I can't make out anything except for "22 1 55" which could be a date, but just a guess. There is also a stamp of a "J" with a box around it. Now hopefully someone with good detective skills can decipher this cryptic writing.



    4. Hello All,

      I just thought it was about time to have a thread showing the militaria of the honorable women who served Canada in world war two. The Canadian Women's Army Corps started in ww2 and became the pioneers and heroes for the numerous women in the fighting forces today. Often the efforts of our grandmothers and mothers and sisters go unheralded in history (especially military history), but after talking to a few vets of the CWAC you really respect them even more. My girlfriend has a few CWAC items and I will post them here, and please post your stuff on the CWAC or any other female military group from the Commonwealth (except nurses, that is a subject for a whole other thread!). First up are a couple collar badges and buttons (she has a few more buried somewhere, the large buttons and small buttons, a complete set). Enjoy the pics and please leave your comments!


      Pat :beer:

    5. Hello there,

      I have had this nice wool field cap for a couple years and I have always assumed it to be Danish (from the crown logo on the inside, which is barely visible but I think I have correctly ID'd it as the Danish crown) and probably from the 20's-40's. I believe the red tassel is a Danish item and for officers. I really do not know the details of this one and any help is appreciated.



    6. Hello again, no info on the Vietnam jacket yet, but I finally got some pictures of a few items I have had for a while. First up is the aforementioned US Polaroid-made M-1944 N2 goggle set. This ww2 set is absolutely complete with the three lenses (red, clear, tinted), two cleaning cloths, box, instructions and original lens packing paper. I used to ride dirt bikes (until I moved down south) so needless to say I love these goggles! The style hasn;t really changed much. If anyone has anymore information on this item (when and where used? what type of units? Motorcycle units?) please leave some, and feel free to leave any comments on any of the items posted.



    7. Hello there,

      The metal on the first posted disc is similar to the material of my fake Gestapo tags, with some rough finish and bubbling as well like the first post. Rosenbergs examples are much sharper and made of a much higher quality metal than my repro Gestapo tags or the Kripo tag shown earlier. Unless this tag was made differently then I would have to lean towards copy, but that is my pretty inexperienced opinion based on my own items that have turned out to be copies in my collection. Here is some pics of my repro Gestapo tags for comparison.



    8. Hi Dan,

      Some very nice cased medals you have there. As for value I don't really know the value of the cased examples, so someone with a little more experience will have to let you know. I just thought I would show my Czech medal that used to have the Prague castle bar, but it has been removed :( You can see where it was attached on the ribbon. Maybe someday I can reunite them.


      Pat :lol:

    9. Hello.

      I am sorry if I am not an expert, but I am trying to learn and sometimes I get confused on certain information. So the almost mocking tone of the last post is really not necessary, we are all "gentlemen" here and if I don't possess the same amount of knowledge as you please don't look down on me, as perhaps when I get 20 or 30 years older it will be a different story.

      Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the help, but it just seemed a little much.

      Back to the ID tag, I am not writing it off yet as it still has a chance of being original, there is nothing truly damning about it yet, but I will definitely keep trying to find out the details of this piece,



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