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    Posts posted by Avitas

    1. Hello all,

      Just picked up a couple more ribbon bars, so I thought I would post them and any further bars I get on this thread. First we have one with a ww1 ek2, an unknown Bavarian (King Ludwig Cross?) medal, Hindenburg combatants, KVK non-combatants, and a Luftschutz. Looks like this soldier was out of the army after ww1 and into the luftschutzbund during ww2. A nice little set, and any help with ID'ing the Bavarian ribbon is great!



    2. I have never seen a modern day tinnie like this before, do many of them exist? This tinnie is made almost exactly the same way as the old ones from the '30's which leads me to believe it was made by a maker that was around during the war and earlier. Hopefully someone can enlighten us on this unique tinnie which is probably quite rare I would assume.



    3. Ha, A case of identity theft!

      I am the real Pat and I'd like to say those are some nice tinnies Dan (especially the second one) and I will post on the 1984 tinnie soon as I thought it was very cool and an interesting item. Anyways, thanks to everyone for looking and leaving comments and please feel free to comment on any of the tinnies shown :lol: (especially the 44/45 winterhilfe snowflake, I've always liked that one).



    4. My apologies on my spelling today, long drive yesterday and got in real late! It should read Haus Neuerburg, dyslexia or something with the e's and u's! Anyways, here is the partially used Raucherkarte with the late-war markings. Perhaps this city (Dusseldorf) was captured near these dates (can't recall off the top of my head) and these (the cigarrettes and the Ration card) were souvenirs traded to an Allied soldier. Any thoughts are great!



    5. Hello all,

      Don't see many of these around, but I was lucky enough to stumble upon an almost complete (1 missing) pack of Haus Neuerburg Ravenklau cigarrettes on my trip to Edmonton. I'm not sure if it classifies as militaria, but it certainly is a "civil" item with official stamping on it. The tobacco is extremely dry and the papers all do not glow under blacklight (same with box/packaging) so that would rule out later cigarrettes being added as time went by. The package is in quite good shape with most of the official government sticker attached, and all of the paper inside is complete, just like someone took one smoke and traded the pack as a souvenir for something else, leaving it almost mint. A partially used Rauchenkarte from Dusseldorf 1945 was included witht the pack of smokes. I was wondering what brands were popular with the soldiers and if these might have been traded on the Western front to Canadian or American soldiers? If anyone has any info on the maker of the cigarrettes that would be great also. I don't have scans of the inside as I didn't want to damage the box by overstretching it, but if you want pics maybe I can did out the digicamera later. Here is the packaging though.



    6. Seems to make sense Kevin, but what about the year he worked for the Police? It has a different occupation listed other than Kellner but it appears to be beer related as well (lagerarb.....something). Well I guess this man was having a good time throughout the war into his old age! It appears he stayed in Duisburg for the duration of the war, probably as a bartender I suppose. Any more help in deciphering this arbeitsbuch is welcome, and thanks again to Kev :beer:


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