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    Posts posted by Avitas

    1. Hello gentlemen,

      I know this has probably been discussed elsewhere, but I wondered if there was any news on the Balloon Observer badge and if it was actually issued in wartime. From what I have gathered it is still a mucky situation. Here is my badge which is a repro by an English maker in the 60's and 70's with the initials SBW (thanks for the info on the other post) for example. Any believed originals out there for discussion? Personally I think it is possible that it was awarded, but to likely under 100 people. Any thoughts?



    2. Nice examples Jef :beer:

      It is true that we should think of the people that earned these badges, as this is the main reason I collect, to hopefully someday be able to show and tell people the history of these items. It appears mine is a WW1 issue, but it is not a match to any you have posted. It has a maker mark of Irwin? London so if anyone knows about this maker please leave some info,

      Thanks again,


    3. Wow! :jumping: Good detective work guys, now I know where to check if I come across some other named items. THis just adds so much to the medal now that I know more about the woman who earned it. My girlfriend is just tickled pink about the news,as it is her medal. Thanks again for the great work, and if anyone else has any awards with women recipients engraved on the medal please post them.



    4. No comments out there?

      Anyways, here is a Hitler Youth tinnie with the same construction as the presumed bad "Tag Der Wehrmacht 1939" tinnie at the beginning of the thread. I got this in the same early lot as the first couple posts. Any ideas on it and the last few I posted (or any for that matter :blush: ) are very helpful to me and other people just starting out in the vast world of tinnie collecting. Also, If anyone has any tinnie collecting books for sale, please let me know. Thanks,


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