In my opinion, some of the collectors that buy photos on ebay either have too much money or take their business way too serious. Also one should keep in mind that next years anniversary will also raise the prices among collectors. But what I've noticed lately is just crazy ... My field of collection isn't that cheap, but just a year ago I got most of these simple Austrian soldier portraits for 2-3€, today even simple potraits went up to 5€ and more. Alpenkorps items were always expensive
Yesterday I read an article of an collector form the US that complained about a German seller on ebay, because the German won't sell his photos to the US. He sold two photos showing Flammenwerfer Pioniere with their Totenkopf patches on the cuffs. One photo was sold for 80€. The american collector said in his article that he found it pathetic that the seller wasn't selling the photos to him, because he would had paid 800€ (!!!) for both. This is a new dimension ... one day only a few rich people will get photos on ebay, because the market will be screwed!