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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Bear

    1. Claude Victor Perrin(1764-1841)

      Duke of Bellune

      He would die of old age in Paris.

      He was better than you might think. At the passage of the Beresina he commanded his corps very well indeed.


    2. 26th Demi-Brigade of the Line

      We, the members of the Administration Council 26th Half-Brigade of the Line, certify having given his discharge to Citizen Bourgouin, second class surgeon, born in the department of Indre, who has served with Honor and Integrity since the 10th Messidor year eight to the first Pluviose of the present year, at which time his replacement has been carried out further to his offering his resignation, accepted by the Minister of War. As a consequence, the said Citizen Bourgouin is free to retire where ever he feels like. Done in council, at Tournon, on the 18th Germinal year ten of the Republic of France.

      Inspector General




      To Headquarters of Finale

      September 28, 1799

      SUCHET: Division General, Head of the War Department

      To Citizen Joseph Marchand, Army Courier

      Having found, Citizen that your name was not included in the list of Couriers attached to the General Headquarters, I hereby inform yo that in accordance with the decision of the Commander in Chief you will receive remuneration for this month of Vendemiaire. With regard to this matter I am writing to the Paymaster General directing him to give the necessary orders so that this payment be made without any obstacle or delay. At the same time I have the pleasure to inform you that Chief of Staff, who is satisfied, with your services, devotion and zeal, has indicated that your dismissal was due only to the fact that there are too many Couriers in the Army. You are now free to seek other employment of this nature if the opportunity arises. Should this be impossible a passport will be given to you together with the sum of 2 francs 50 centimes so that you can reach Tyrol



    4. Louis Gabriel Suchet(1770-1826)

      Duke of Albusera

      He would die at home near Marseilles

      Asked by Dr O'Meara to say who was the ablest of his generals, Napoleon replied; That is difficult to say, but it seems to me it may have been Suchet; once it was Massena, but eventually one had to consider him vertually dead; Suchet, Clausel and Gerard were the best French generals in my opinion.


    5. Nicolas Soult(1769-1851)

      Duke of Dalmatia

      He would die of old age.

      I should have made a great example and had Soult shot; he was the greatest pillager of them all. Both Soult and Talleyrand put money before everything else; they wanted a royal suite and money, always money.


    6. Jean Mathieu Philibert Serurier(1742-1819)

      He would die of old age.

      He retained all the characteristics and severity of an infantry major - an honest man, with integrity and reliability; but unfortunate as a general.


    7. Josef Anton Poniatowski(1763-1813)

      He would drown in the Elster while retreating out of Leipzig.

      He was a man of noble character, brimming over with honor and bravery. I intended to make him King of Poland had I succeeded in Russia.


    8. Nicolas Charles Oudinot(1767-1842)

      Duke of Reggio

      He would die of old age.

      He was a brave man, but none too bright. He let himself be dominated by his young wife and good family. I should have made either Marmont or Oudinot marshals. We needed to win a war.


    9. Paris, December 31, 1807

      Great Chancellor of the L?gion d'Honneur

      I have the honour of adressing you the services record of Mr. Poirot, aide-de-camp lieutenant of g?n?ral de brigade Brun ;

      This officier having always distinguished himself, especially at the battle of Friedland, I pray you to insert him in the first work as having rights to getting the decoration.

      Receive, Monsieur le Grand Chancelier and dear colleague, the assurance of my high consideration.

      Le Mar?chal


    10. Michel Ney(1769-1815)

      Duke of Elchingen

      Prince of Moskowa

      He would be shot by a firing squad.

      Ney only got what he deserved. I regret him as a man very precious on the battlefield, but he was too immoral, too stupid to be able to succeed. He was good for a command of 10,000 men, but beyond that he was out of his depth.


    11. Joachim Murat(1767-1815)

      King of Naples

      He would be executed by firing squad.

      I cannot conceive how so brave a man could be so unreliable. He was only brave when confronted by the enemy, and then perhaps the bravest man in the world, but if he was placed in council he was a poltroon with no judgment and was quite inacapable of making a decision. Murat's character, however, was nobler than Ney's, for he was generous and frank.


    12. I have just been given, Messieurs, the letter you have adressed me to-day, withholding complaints against the Aide-de-Camp of Monsieur le G?n?ral (Foucher?) : I have at once informed the G?n?ral of it, and I have ordered him to punish that officer, and to advise him to act more circumspectly in the future.

      I have the honour, Messieurs, of saluting you.


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