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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Bear

    1. Reverse


      In spite of rivers and fortifications, he vanquished the enemy through skill and military bravery with a handfull of men, and he conquered through humane conduct those who had been subdued by the sword. In commemoration of the Battle of Paulus Hook, August 19th, 1779.

    2. Hello Paul,

      Badge of Military Merit awarded for Valor

      I think only three soldiers were awarded the actual badge/heart.

      Badge of Merit awarded for Faithful Service

      I think thousands of soldiers were awarded merit certificates(not a badge) who served more than three years.



    3. Medal awarded to Lt Col Louis De Fleury

      for the storming of Stony Point 1779


      A memorial and reward for bravery and boldness--The American Republic presented this award to M. de Fleury, a French officer, who as the first scaled the walls.

    4. Hello Joe,

      I think it means execute their orders. However, Victor might have thought execute the soldiers as well. :speechless1:

      I think this was written during the 3rd siege of Gerona.

      This is a document by Jean-Antoine Verdier(1767-1839) while in Spain and dated the 7th of July 1809. The document concerns the storming of an enemy fortification with the use of ladders.

      The 7th July 1809

      Monsieur General, we?.., given the instruction attached to the dispositions I have sent you that the half moon must also be attacked at the same time as the breach. As a consequence you will compose your attack column with nine companies of Grenadiers and nine of Voltigeurs chosen among the regiments that you are commanding and Colonel M?.., whom you?ll have arriving through the same ground at the same time as the column commanded by my Aide-de-Camp Maisonneuve to get to the breach that was done to the half moon climbing up the ditch through the left of your troops. As the breach might not be very negotiable, it will have to be climbed using ladders that will be carried by a company of Sappers which is expressly ordered to that aim?..



    5. This is a document by Marshal Louis-Alexander Berthier while in Spain and dated the 26th of November 1808. The document is to Marshal Claude Victor Perrin(1764-1841) and concerns the arrest of officers for disobeying orders.

      Aranda the 26th November 1808

      Monsieur the Marshal VICTOR

      You will order the immediate arrest of Messrs. Casin and Gentil, battalion commanders and Bagnac Lieutenant, all three from the corps of Engineers, for not having executed the order which I gave them to present themselves to General Lery Commander in Chief of the Corps of Engineers. You will give them the enclosed orders, the Emperor bids you to ensure they are executed promptly, which is to say that these three officers will leave in one hour after you have given them the orders that they present themselves to General Lery. Even if these gentlemen had not received my order, they received that of General Lery which they should have obeyed.



    6. I only have a few items that involve the Penisular War but I'm always looking for them.

      This is a document by Marshal Louis-Alexandre Berthier(1753-1815) to the Minister of War and dated the 7th of November 1808. The document was written in Vittoria while Jean Lannes was recovering from his fall.

      Vittoria the 7th November 1808

      To his Excellency the Minister of War, Comte d?Hunebourg

      I have the honour of sending your Excellency a letter extracted from my Correspondence, the object of which comes with in your responsibilities. I renew your Excellency the assurance of my highest consideration.

      The Prince of Neuchatel

      Major General



    7. Hello,

      I just finished this book and it's a keeper. If anyone is looking for a good read on the Peninsular War I'd go with this one.

      It also has a fantastic appendix on all armies involved.



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