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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Bear

    1. He was warden of the town in 1773; overseer of the poor from 1775 to 1783; firward from 1774 to 1789, and served on many important committees, the most important of which was the Committe of Correspondence Safety, and Inspection of 1776, when he was associated with Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Paul Revere, and other patriots. Two persons were chosen from each ward, in 1773, to petition the General Court for an act empowering the town to erect, support, and defend street lamps. Capt Edward Proctor and Paul Revere were chosen from Ward 4. Capt Proctor was long connected with the military, becoming captain in 1763. He was in the active service during the Revolutionary War, and rose to the rank of Colonel of the Boston Regiment.

      Col. Proctor became a member of the Masonic Fraternity in 1765, when he joined the Lodge of St. Andrew of Boston. He was worshipful master of that lodge from 1774 to 1776 and after holding various offices in the Massachusetts Grand Lodge, A. F. and A. M., he was unanimously chosen junior grand warden on March 1, 1782.

      His tomb was No. 16, Copp's Hill Burial Ground.

      I found this document at this website.


    2. In connection with his West India good store, it would seem that for a time he kept a tavern. In the selectmen's minutes, under the date of Jan 31, 1764, we are informed that "Mr. Proctor, who keeps the Schooner tavern on Fish Street, acquainted the selectmen that a maid in his house wa supposed to have the small pox." He was urged by the selectmen to consent to her removal, but his answer was deferred until the afternoon, when the selectmen received the following: "I have thought upon the affair, and am determined, not to have my children moved upon any account. Your most obed Humble Serv Edward Proctor." The Selectmen put out a flag, and stationed a guard at the house.

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