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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Bear

    1. General de Brigade Rheinwald

      Commanding the Leman Department and the troops stationed in the Republic of Valais

      To General Vial, Plenipotentiary Minister by the Helvetic Republic

      My General

      I have just realized, that many conscripts from the Department of Leman have taken shelter in the Canton in Leman (in the Pays de Vaud), to abscond from conscription.

      I pledge you, General to employ yourself for the ... ... of the project, to stop that abuse, detrimental to the interest of the French Government.

      I am flattered that this circumstance allows me to remind you of me, having found myself in year 10 with you at ..., at General Massena', whose Chef d'Etat Major General I was in the Swiss campaign.

      Please receive the assurance of my distinguished consideration


    2. To the Minister of War

      General Chasseloup told me he wrote you, citizen minister, to warn you it would be necessary to get out of Alessandria for a few winter months five Battalions of the garrison and send them to various cantonments, as during that period it is not possible to use many workers for the fortifications, and other motives he detailed to you.

      He designated to you two Battalions of the 29th and the whole 53rd.

      Allow me, citizen minister, to point to you that the 53rd has just made a considerable move from Coblenz, that has been very costly to the officers and has indebted many of them, who thought they would be spending winter here, have made establishments and purchases, and that a new move would force them to sell much loss, and at their new destination, they would have to make other purchases, which would indebt them even more for a long time.

      Hence I have the honour to propose you, rather than the 53rd, to detach the 102nd that for over a year have been garrisoned here, which seems to me very fair, and avoids complaints and resentments always harmful to the service.

      I have the honour of saluting you respectfully


    3. General de Division Robin

      This document by General Robin to the Minister of War at Alessandria, Italy dated 1801. The document mentions Chasseloup-Laubat who was Napoleon's military engineer. He was employed in reconstructing the defences of Northern Italy. The great fortress at Alessandria, on the Tanaro, near Turin was his major work.

    4. Your Excellency the Count, Minister of War.

      Monsieur the Count,

      I have received the letter you made me the honour of writing me on the 28th, to warn me that, according with the orders of His Majesty, the free distribution of firewood to the officers employed in the 1st Reserve Army Corps, must stop from the 1st of this month.

      I have made known the order to these officers the provisions of the letter from your Excellency.

      Please accept, Monsieur the Count, the insurance of my high regard.

      The General commanding the Camp of Boulogne

      Sainte Suzanne

    5. Giles Joseph Martin Bruneteau de Sainte Suzanne(1760-1830)

      Suzanne was promoted General in 1795 and served in the French army of the Rhine and in Italy, commandant of Milan....

      This document is by General Suzanne to the Minister of War while commanding the Camp of Boulogne dated January 2, 1810.

    6. To General de Brigade Cafferelly

      You citizen General, that the citizen General en Chef, owing to the need of subjects has authorized Citizen Auger, Sapeur in the 6th Battalion, to keep exercising in the Military Hospital No.1 the role of nurse, until the 14th Brumaire, by which date he'll be bound to rejoin his post.


    7. General Caffarelli lost his left leg campaigning on the Rhine and was promoted general de brigade in 1795. During the Egyptian Campaign he commanded the engineers and supervised the Scientific Commission. He was wounded in the arm during the siege of Acre and Surgeon Larrey had to amputate it. He never recovered and died two weeks latter on April 27, 1799.

    8. Monsieur the Duc

      In compliance with the provisions contained in the letter your Excellency made me the honour of writing me about the named Jacques Francois Dehoux, who has come back, after a short absence, to the Regiment Chasseurs a Chevel of the Garde Imperiale. I have given orders to the Capitaine of Gendarmerie de la Dyle, to have the proceedings that could be instituted against him stopped.

      I have the honour of offering your Excellency the expression of my high regard.

      The First General Inspector

      The Marshal Duc de Conegliano

    9. I want to thank Jerome(Djedj) and Jacaranda for helping with the translation. I have a few others that I need help with and they can be found in the PERSONAL RESEARCH FACILITY under French Translatin.



    10. Order,

      In execution of article 39 of the contract passed on the 19th of this month with the Citizens Guyot de La Pomeraie and Co. by the Commissioner-Orderly-in-Chief and approved by the General-in-Chief of the supply of food, bread, fooder and sundry supplies.

      The Commissioner-Orderly-in-Chief will have 300,000 francs paid to Citizens Guyot de La Pomeraie and Co. as an advance installment on the advances referred to in article 39 of said contract. This sum will be taken from the credit of 1,500,000 francs, and replaced in that credit along with the payment of the funds coming from the Ligurian government.

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