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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Bear

    1. Hello Rick,

      I need some information on His Majesty's Ship the Otter during the American Revolution. I believe the Otter was a prison ship that held American Patriots during the war, but not really sure. I was hoping that you might find something.



    2. Hello Chris,

      Those are some fantastic pictures. They are all armed to the teeth. The only thing I new about the Boer War until recently was a movie(I can't remember the name) about some British soldiers accused of war crimes and are executed in the end. Every few years I'll catch it on television.

      Here is a link I found looking for train wrecking.




    3. Hello Everyone,

      My family has owned this old flint and steel for over 200 years. Descendants used this gun during the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. During the Civil War the gun was hidden in a hollow tree in order to save it from being confiscatated by troops fighting near the family homeplace.

      Sorry for the not so clear photos....

    4. I want to thank Rick Research for helping me with this document.

      State of the Massachusetts-Bay

      This document from the American Revolution dated July 18, 1777 is appointing Edward Proctor as First Major of the Boston regiment commanded by Col. Jabez Hatch. The document is also signed by 15 members of the Massachusetts Executive Council.

      Participants of the Boston Tea Party


      Listed: Edward Proctor (Col.)

      List of Signers

      Jedediah Powell

      Artemas Ward

      Jedediah Preble

      Thomas Cushing

      Joseph Palmer

      John Whitcomb

      Jabez ????

      Moses Gill

      Henry Gardiner

      ???? D. Hopkins

      Benjamin Austin

      Samuel Holton

      Timothy Edwards

      Nathaniel Cushing

      Oliver Prescott

    5. Thanks Rick,

      The library here is rather small. I have Edward Proctor's 1777 appointment to first major document. Here is a list of those who have signed it. I have info on them. :jumping:

      Members of the Massachusetts Executive Council

      Jedediah Powell

      Artemas Ward

      jedediah Preble

      Thomas Cushing

      Joseph Palmer

      John Whitcomb

      Jabez ????

      Moses Gill

      Henry Gardiner


      Benjamin Austin

      Samuel Holton

      Timothy Edwards

      Nathaniel Cushing

      Oliver Prescott

      John Avery Jr.



    6. I need some help finding some information on an American Revolutionary Officer. All I have on Edward Proctor is that he was appointed First Major of the Boston regiment on July 18, 1777 which was under the command of Col. Jabez Hatch. I'm hoping he was in some famous battles.



    7. Hello Rick,

      Thanks for all the extra information. I seem to be able to find the documents alot easier than I do info about the soldiers.

      Hello Paul,

      I should be able to get some pictures of the musket next week. It has a great story behind it. At the end of the Civil War my family put the musket up in a tree so that union soldiers wouldn't find it. Everything else was burned. They got the musket and went to Texas to be with other side of the my family.

      The documents are out there. You just have to find them.



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