Hi, first of all let me say Hello! As I am a new member.
I have recently found lots of military related items in my late grandfathers attic. Now I know he was in the Navy during WW2 because I have his medals in a box, however he seems to have been collecting bits for years without anyone else knowing!!
My first question is British Navy tallys, how do you tell what age they are??? Some have a full stop at the end and others do not and one has H.M.M.T.B. On it???? The others have H.M.S, and H.M.S. Victorious. And lots with H.M.S Mercury for example but no dot at the end of the ships name.
Sorry for the long winded question!!!!
Also as his medal box has his war time number on it, is there anyway I can find out where he was or what ships he served on???
Many thanks