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    Posts posted by SovietRussiaSam

    1. The badge is a Veterinarians badge a variety of Patrikeev, Bodjnovich 1.1.40


      Thanks so much to the both of you for helping me found out more information! The veterinarian link makes sense as my great-grandfather was officially "Major-General of Veterinary Service". Here are some facts about him. Here's some more in depth information on him with all of his medals (it's in Russian). If it wouldn't be too much to ask for, could you link me to some pages where I could read about this badge/cockade? The only reason I think it's a cockade is due to the size. It's height is similar to the span from the tip of my thumb to the tip of my index finger and its width is about the same width as in iPhone. Sorry for the vague measurements, but it's back at home and I'm in college so I'm unable to accurately measure it.

      AhHa! Thanks. Not the first time I've missed something going through Patrikeev. I had even looked through Werlich!  

      Rather than chalk this one up to age, I should probably face the fact that trying to conduct late night research while periodically refilling a tumbler of Stoli Cranberi is not a brilliant idea on my part!


      No worries! Thanks for the information! 

    2. Hey everybody this is my first post here. A little background history into what I'm posting: I'm currently 16 years old, born in Moscow and moved to USA in 2000, and have been passed down a large collection of medals and 'pins' from my Grandfather. At the same time, my Grandmother on the other side of my family passed me down her father's war medal collection. Her father was actually a general in the Soviet and Russian Army from 1899 - 1945. He served in Russo-Jap war of 1904-5, WWI, Civil War, Winter War, and WWII. While he was a general, he was actually a horse veteran and only saw combat action when there was no alternative. Regardless, I have been able to identify most of the large collections I have received, yet I am unable to recognize this cockade and a Japanese war medal.

      Cockade (I'm limited in uploading through the site):





      Back without screw-on:


      Now I understand this is the Imperial Russia section, however, I don't want to create a separate thread for my other question. From what I understand on this medal, my great-grandfather picked it off of a dead Japanese soldier in either the Russo-Japanese war or WWII. I also know that the case is not meant for the medal, it was meant for another medal. I believe the case was meant for the Order of the Rising Sun.

      Case closed:


      Case opened:


      Medal front:


      Medal back:


      Thanks for the help!

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