Dear all,
Some of you with long memories may find this familiar; it is! I'm repeating, and modifying, a request I made back in 2013 because since I've 'moved up a notch' since then, academically at least. Here goes.
I'm in the process of doing a PhD looking at the British Military involvement in Crete from 1896 to 1913. I'm looking for any information that you might have on any of the events on Crete of this period, in particular any information about the following who all served on Crete during that time:
4 Mountain Battery RA
2/Royal Welsh Fusiliers
1/Border Regiment
1/Northumberland Fusiliers
1/Highland Light Infantry
2/Rifle Brigade
1/Lancashire Fusiliers
No. 5 Co. Eastern Division R.A. (out of Malta)
2/Loyal North Lancashire.
2/Cameron Highlanders
1/Royal Dublin Fusiliers
2/King's Own yorkshire Light Infantry
1/King's Royal Rifle Corps
2/Royal Sussex
2/Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
1/ Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
3/King's Royal Rifle Corps
I'm looking at all the 'usual suspects' for information, National Archives, National Maritime Museum, National Army Museum, regimental archives etc and I've been in contact with 'rusticalex' re his marvellous photographs.
I appreciate that it may be a long shot, but does anyone on the forum have any photos, letters, journals etc. that they might be willing to share? I'm afraid all I can promise in return is an acknowledgement in the final dissertation!
Many thanks
Mick McT