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    E Williams

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    Posts posted by E Williams

    1. They are wearing Garde tunics (cuff and collar Litzen), but which specific unit they are from is not evident. They are wearing M08 visored caps, which would have been issue items to medical troops (Sanitäter & Krankenträger).


      Thanks Chip, If I acquire it I'll post the writings on the rear so to maybe give away the unit. Most that I can make out is the post mark is Witten???????. Can't find a date anywhere and it's address to a gal in Flensburg. Half the Post Mark is missing.


    2. Except for the original photos that have not arrived yet, they were sent from Germany on Nov 15, my Sanitats display is finished. I might have to start looking for a replacement photo.


    3. Greetings!!!! Today I received this rack. I have posted closer photos of the DRK medal hopefully to better translate the inscription. The back is marked Weimer. I've still not been able to put a date on this award. I have found where it's been dated as an 1915 award.This is what I would like to have confirmed in writing.

      Thanks all...............


    4. When I retired, WAC had been disbanded for seven years, reverting females to the branch they served and were still clerks, medical and cooks. As a Drill for six years, six months were in AIT, Cooks School at FT Wood. I happen to receive during that time the first three females assigned as cooks. That was my only experience with females under me.....officially!!!!! ;)

    5. An excellent display and an even better collection.

      You are an inspiration to all collectors.



      Thanks Brian.............much appreciated. An 'inspiration' though is humbling and if what I do helps others, I'm happy. Collections should be seen not hidden, IMO but, I completely understand that's not always possible either not having the space or not given the space and I've been in the latter position before and after awhile I got the space when she vacated it upon my demand!!!!!

      It's also how collections are displayed that is 75% of the presentation. Doesn't matter what a person collects, it's the presentation that excels that collection. As any ex-military would understand, everything has a place and everything in it's place and....the most important military terminology, "Attention to Detail'.

      I like sharing info, ideas; etc, and if sometime I show becomes an idea for others, great, I do the same all the time. If I see something that will improve something that I have, I borrow the idea, I don't steal it because I always give credit to whomever/wherever.

      In this hobby, info should be shared, ideas should be shared and it should be done in a way that everyone feels good giving or accepting. Info can be disputed, ideas can be discarded but the exchange is there and that is what counts. I don't get jealous or envious of what others have, I wish I could be the one that has something another person has but that's natural. Especially if it's a MG unit marked sawtooth bayonet that matches a Luger markings you have.......... :) and you hope you live longer than he does and that you're in his Will. ;)

      I'm not the smartest brain on the block but it's great to know where you can go to get the info you seek. I get that here, if not, I'd move on and....I have yet to come across any Prima Dona's here. That's very important to me.


      Thanks again


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