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    E Williams

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    Posts posted by E Williams

    1. Where are they headed.........through the roof !!!!!!!!!!!!! With the 100 year anniversary approaching, every Tommy, Yank, Johann and Andre is wanting a part of the action, driving up the price. You can do one of two things.............sell out at a nice profit or wait till it's all over and buy at a nice price from those who paid too much for an interest soon gone. Well, there is a third thing you could do, box it all up and send it to a museum. If you decide to go that route, let me know and I'll send you my address. :cheeky:

    2. According to this it is neither...



      You put your trust in a site who's owner is on the run from US Federal Law? :)

      The brits called the germans, Jerrys and we yanks picked it up on our way through Britain to win the war, a second time. I think adopting the slang 'Jerry' from our british cousins for the Huns and bringing home 60,000+ british war brides was payment enough!!!!!! :):) :)

    3. I usually miss jokes when it comes to the origins of words such as "jeri-rig" but in case you were serious I have always believed the term to be "jury-rigged". That is to say, something that came about, that was not considered normal, through the collaboration of a group of people.



      I've heard of that term also when it came to an unfair decision but "jeri' was common during WWII like the 'Hun' was in WWI. When I was in, a five gallon can of gasoline came in a 'jeri-can', we temporaly fix things as in using wire to hold something together as 'jeri-rigging'.

    4. Moved them here where they belong..................Acquired this one today, what can be said about the stamp? I think I know but I'm not the expert.


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