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    E Williams

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    Posts posted by E Williams

    1. Hi,

      I dont think it can be, they are bavarian,



      I have a Luger coming that is unit marked S.A.54. According to Handbuch Deutscher Waffenstempel 1871-2000 by Albrecht Wacker and Joachim Gortz, page109, they identify another Luger S.A.3. as Feldsignal Abteilung waffe 3, as the Bavarian Signal Unit organized in 1910. It doesn't have the 'B' designator in the unit description which surprised me and to my delight. According to other reference, including Kaisercross, at the outbreak in 1914, Signal Abts were part of the Cavalry Divisions which was delightful also to find. There wasn't that many Signal Units in existence out the outbreak in 1914, and only two or three before that.

      I've found references to G.G. and G.F. but nothing for G.G.F. directly.

    2. ...but seriously, most imperial era neutrality armbands are marked with unit ink stamps. WWI era armbands were constructed in many different ways. The width of the band, size of the cross and materials were rarely the same in any two examples. I say this based on period photos and my own collection.


      That's all I have to go on too, Chip. Different sizes of the crosses is very prevalent in photos but I need an authentic one for my medic's shelf display and I need to know what to look for. I have no idea if they were marked and/or with what. I'm constantly checking my reliable sources for one to come available but so far I seen none. What would a WWI unit marked armband go far? Any idea?

    3. True, but interest in imperial German/ Weimar has grown much stronger over the past 20 years...thanks to Rick Lundstroem

      . Stogie and I used to be the only ones dueling over WW1 medal portraits on eBay and I recall losing a very nice Bavarian golden bravery medal photo to him for the "shocking" sum of.....................$11!

      Zepplins have always been insane though.

      I agree....remembering back going through box and boxes at flea markets, WWI memorabilia was what to buy, did I buy it...NO!!! It's a known fact people get interested in a subject or time period when it seems it becomes a forefront of interest and they want a piece of it. Look at Beany-Babies. Hundreds of bucks for what you can find for a dime today on some flea market table. Items we're buying today from WWI at a price being driven up by demand, in ten years will they be worth the same, doubt it and another thing, how many are starting in the collecting today that know nothing and are buying fakes which will also flood the market? It's an up and down hobby that fluxuates through periods based on events that can't be controlled. I wonder now, how are other WWI items from the ally side doing? I do know one site I go to can't keep WWI Doughboy items in inventory.

      I read an article the other day that the first 3D gun was produced. How long now before we start seeing a 3D (re-strike you might say) 1910 Erfurt MG unit market Luger for sale at $3000.00? One can only wonder.......................

    4. I spent a total of 13 years in Germany spread out over the 60s through the 90s. The 60s was almost the best, I say almost because a lot of vets were still hanging on to their items or you had to go find them and offer an amount they would take. The 70s, I stopped, not just because I used the collection for divorce money but in the 70s started the rise of the 're-strikes', far better than copy fakes but still fakes. Now I'm talking strictly about WWII. It wasn't until I returned in the 90s and among vets again that I started collecting again. That time they were getting older, their offspring wasn't interested and items were hitting small local flea markets too. After another divorce....I went with WWI Lugers and small accompanying memorabilia !!!!! Repros will always be around but wisdom comes with age along with a lot of experience and research..........if you can remember it. :D

    5. "Normal" does not mean there isn't price inflation. Prices for photos (and sterbebilder) have definitely made a significant jump in the last few months. At every price level, things are now double or triple. And then there are the really out of whack high prices...

      Supply and demand (supply is dwindling...esp on the prime themes...thus prices are rising)

      Preference (more collectors in the market looking for everything, esp prime themes)

      Expectation (we're getting close to the 100th anniversary)

      Knowledge (more people are educated about the images, but not educated about realistic prices)

      Knowledge 2 (forums like GMIC are increasing overall interest in the product)

      Probably a combination of the above. But it's getting a bit out of hand I think...

      Less people, if none at all, are sharing their collections with others, like Chris and Eric. If they shared more, I'd buy less. :whistle:

    6. The marking on the Luger is 22.R. and the owner had described that unit as being the Royal Saxon Rifle Corps. Where he came to that being, I haven't a clue. Nowhere have I found the unit was a Rifle Regiment. I did find a 22 Inf Regt and it was part of the 12th J.D. I just thought I'd ask in case I was missing something. 'R' size of 'R' and also if it is in gothic or script means different at different times. This 'R' is a bit bigger than other "R's. I believe the seller became confused because the letter 'R' stood for rifle and instead of Inf because it being an 'R' instead of a 'J'. Both were used.

      Now I'm confused........................... :banger::D I passed on it anyway and acquired a 1914 Erfurt marked to the Bavarian Signal Abteilung that would have been assigned to the Bavarian Cavalry Division at the outbreak of the war.

    7. Hello!

      I´ve checked too.

      The only saxon 22 were those:


      Scheinwerfer Zug/Pi.Btl.22 (XIX.AK)

      1.Ers.Kp./Pi.Btl.22 (19.Ers.Div.)

      L.S.K.22 (47.Ldw.Brig) - I can´t say what the abbreviation means -I´ll check it later...

      schwere Minenwerfer-Abtl.22


      Thanks..............The Luger's unit marking was mis-identified, there is a 22.R and was part of the 12.J.D. but as you, I found nothing connecting it with the Royal Saxon Rifles.

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