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    E Williams

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    Posts posted by E Williams

    1. After my recent self translation mishap, I thought I'd best ask those far more qualified than I if they would translate the below Soldbuch I just received along with the award document. When translating, consider the owner old, senile, suffers from dementia and knowing nothing. :D http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2013/post-16240-0-72109600-1384363718.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2013/post-16240-0-40923400-1384363627.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2013/post-16240-0-55824000-1384363674.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2013/post-16240-0-36015600-1384363733.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2013/post-16240-0-24744300-1384363645.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2013/post-16240-0-47417600-1384363690.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2013/post-16240-0-38387200-1384363744.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2013/post-16240-0-98228200-1384363656.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2013/post-16240-0-99239500-1384363705.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2013/post-16240-0-15920400-1384363758.jpg

    2. Ed, I often wish I had been interested in collecting when I lived and traveled in Germany, esp Berlin, in the 70s and 80s.

      Oh the collection I would have.......

      Before Gebirgs I collected Luftwaffe and Heer, this would have been in the mid to late 70s. I lived right around the corner from a shop who sold both jewelry and what ever vets brought in to sell. Hesse was his name and did I get some nice stuff from him.

    3. I suspect a nice drag strap is a better cook than my current wife, but I did not marry her for her culinary abilities! Current value in Europe now for a normal drag strap exceeds Euros1k so who knows what a leather example would fetch. judging by the recent ebay prices for not so rare 08 and 08 parts I would not be surprised if people would bid up to Euros2k.

      A thousand Euros!!!!!!!! I'll pass, that's half of a nice Luger, MG unit marked too!!!!

    4. Seeing all these death cards brings back memories. When I was living in Bavaria back in the early 90s, there was two guys I use to send these cards to. They were all over shops and flee markets, I'd buy them for a mark, maybe two and send them on and sell them for $10.00 guaranteed.

      I had a nice gebirgs collection back then, both WWI and II and most coming directly from vets. All the old Gebirgs Kaserns were still in use too by the same old regiments.

    5. I think that is a sword for Train troops. He also wears the mounted troops belt buckle. I also think that thing above the neutrality armband is just a flaw. The Sanitäter patch would have been worn on the right upper arm.


      WhoooHoo 2,000 posts. Now I'm up to one tenth of Chris's number! :)

      I thought the buckle was for mounted troops, would that not coincide with the sabre? But being sanitates, he could be part of a Trains Sanitates unit too. I hope to get more info once the photo arrives.

    6. I used the wrong division, try the 10th Panzer Div (Wehrmacht), I don't know off my head what Inf Rgts were part of that Div but I do know it was part of the Africa Corps and brought shite down on us at Kasserine Pass. I'm strictly talking as in basic knowledge but I'm sure I could go over on the WWII german forum and there are fellows there who know the name of each regiments mascot was.

      I love the core History, not the headshed were all they did was to prostate over maps. Down to the lonely private and non-coms, the mud, beer and the babes is where am I !!!!!! :cheers:

      as Plt Sgt Big Joe said "There's no booze, there's no broads....there's no action!!!!!!!"

    7. Quite difficult deciphering german regimental units marks because they changed so many times before Prussian confederation, during and after. It's really mind-boggling. Not all unit conformed to the new/changed regulation and not all did it at the time required. Difference in the script used is crucial also for the time period being discussed. What is universal, and especially in german formations, most all the loyalty, battle honors; etc etc were for the Regiment service and not the division that is was assigned to during a certain time, they were transferred willy-nilly. It's called the regimental system. The US is one of the few who did not go by the regimental system. A regiment was part of a division until hell freezed over. All Divs, you might say were Infantry whether designated by the letter "I" or not. A Corps now, would be different. Have you ever heard of a Artillery Div or a Medical Div or a Signal Div? Now, Jaeger Regiments, designation for "Hunter" unit, germans had them and were part of Inf Divs, for example, the 3rd, 4th and 5th Jaeger Regiments were part of the 200th Division, no Inf or Jaeger designator applied, just the 200th Division. In the military family, a div isn't shite, it's the regiments assigned who has the History, I pay no attention to the Divisions. Some Divisions though, through History, have that automatic eyebrow lift when mentioned because it was always at the forefront kicking arse and taken names. In American Military History, the 9th Inf Regt has more battle streamers than any other unit. It's always been assigned to the 2nd Inf Div. The 2nd Div (Indianhead Div). So many times a division would only send a regiment into a war as the 2nd Inf Div did, they sent the 9th Inf Regt to Nam, the rest of the division stayed in Korea. A division ain't shite, unless its that special division. A regiment is everything. ;)

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