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    E Williams

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    Posts posted by E Williams

    1. I just acquired a photo off EBAY that will be framed and stand next to a silver presentation mug to the same unit.

      I looked at this photo and saw they all had Lugers but no other possible identification as a MG squad. No drag straps or readable shoulder insignia but chances were good they were a MG unit. Then I saw their boots....all wore ski boots so I decided to buy even before I looked at the backside and guess what???????????????? Bavarian 1st Ersatz Inf Regt 1 Masch-Gew Kompany is the post mark.

    2. I'm sorry Gents I have no idea why I feel this way about the old battlefields guess I'm just a nut. My mother could never figure this 'problem' out either.


      While stationed in Germany, there was a thing organized by higher ups called "Battlefield Walks" I got to go on a few but also went all over by myself. Very solemn, quiet and compelling to walk across a battlefield of old. Much more than walking through the jungles where you once walked yourself, just not the same.

      Here we have our Civil War battlefields, War of 1812 and Rev War ones too. I walked Culloden twice, Killikrankie, Flodden and Sterling Bridge. Corregidor Island was like walking back into History, it was as it was when we took it back. It's always was a fulfilling thing for me to walk where History was made and not just read about the places and people in History. I think it is something everyone should do and have some knowledge of those who fought and died before they do.

    3. Speaking of the stirnpanzer which we weren't my chum kicked up one in similar circumstances years ago just walking through the old battlefield woods day dreaming. If you want one you'd better hurry I hear the cleaners are ruining the old fields, the blighters. Why oh why can't they just leave alone next they'll be kids running around with ice creams its disgusting and really pisses me off!

      Let me ask you Gents a question 'Do you get the same feeling walking on a US Civil War battlefield'? NO? YES? I feel I'm in a manicured park its a shame and not right thousands died in these fields!! I'm dreading 2014.........

      Rant over Sorry.


      I had a Dutch friend and this is all he did. Go over battlefields with a metal detector. He had one helleva arsenal in his basement. When the Wall finally collapsed, he was all over eastern Europe.

    4. I just stepped out of my MG Luger portfolio and acquired a Luger that I just couldn't pass up. A very exceptional example of a 1910 1st Issue DWM. This luger is all original including the grips. The magazine is un-numbered but time period correct magazine. Original blue and straw that rates 96-98%. It is unit marked as "13.T.S.2.179. which is translated to mean...13th Trains Sanitates Bn 2nd Company weapon #179. It was a Wurttemberg FWD Medical Bn. Before 1914 it was a battalion, from 1914 on, the companies became Detachments. This Battalion would have supported a Division with combat medics, doctors, field hospital, wagons and horses. A "Sanitatskompanie des Trainbataillons" would have had 259 PO-8 Lugers assigned to 222 combat medics, 1 to a Feldwebel, 1 to it's Vizefeldwebel, 18 to Unterofficiers, 9 to Sanitatesunterofficiers and 8 to the militarkrankenwarter. What Wurttemberg Div it supported I've yet to research.

      I'll have this Luger hopefully by the weekend. Until then, here are some photos from the site. My beloved Bavarian MG unit marked Luger will have to wait for a bit longer.


    5. No, I'll pass but...HARK!!!!! the Bavarian Luger deal fell through but I'm working on something else that doesn't come along very often, far less often than Bavarian MG Lugers. Two things in the making, one has to happen for the other to happen and if both come through it will be a bit away from the MG Luger collection but well worth it.

      They are a bit of a pain to display love the way Karel does it I used to just hang mine from a shelf. Lol the stirnpanzer is funny to if you put it on a helm the whole lid just flops forward! Ed you can build a wooden frame come on, buy one. ;)


      ps I bought a copy not long ago....$125 funny enough they are very good well made.

    6. I'm still not sure who the artillery competition is.... Andy? Odulf? Come on guys... Collusion is the answer to lower prices!

      I'm not into artillery, as you know but, if I ever come across a good artillery luger with MG unit marks at a decent price, I'll pounce on it. They're out there but as Chip said, when the owners die is when the Crème d' Crème will become available.

    7. Oh, and I am paranoid. I swear when I'm actively posting a topic on GMIC, it seems the competition for artillery gets more intense on eBay. :speechless:

      Combat arms usually is unless the collector has a connection with some other field such as Signals or Medical. Right now I know of an early medic/corpsman's Luger, really great shape for sale and I'd love to have it but it's not a priority.

    8. Sorry Eric, that's all I have of this display and I've heard they are rebuilding the WW1 section at the moment...

      Ed, if you want to buy one, I would suggest to wait for a complete one... and maybe also save some funds to pay for it ;) ...

      Adler 1

      I'm not interested myself. I'd rather put the money into a Luger, my primary collecting interest. I don't have a place to display it anyway.

    9. Ed, what type of photos are you looking at?! :speechless1:

      I rarely spend more than $10 - even after exchange rates from either Euro or Sterling. :whistle:

      I'm looking and bidding on the ones everybody with more money than me wants also. A MG studio photo I went up to 25 pound sterling on yesterday went for over 50 pounds. Maybe I should be collecting cook and clerks memorabilia.

      It was probably Chris......................... :)

      I was just outbid on another, regular post card group photo non MG that went for over 25 pounds.

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