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    E Williams

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    Posts posted by E Williams

    1. Fantastic... and cheap? Did they only get one of these? Was it the official award document?

      If you could sell them in the states I bet it would be worth 10 times more....

      It was authentic. A MOH you see from time to time but the citation is a bit more scarce. I would have thought also the price could have been a bit more. It sold within minutes. You can acquire a MOH and citation here as a gift when you buy a pack of gum for a few thousand dollars. There is always a loophole.
    2. Hello,

      he startet his military carrer on the 1.2.1917. First unit was Ersatzabteilung ( replacement Battalion) 3. Chevaulegers Regiment for training .

      In November 1917 he changed to the regular 3. Chev.Regiment.

      Here the battles of the last page:

      26.7. - 2.8.1918 bewegliche Abwehrschlacht ( defensive battle) zwischen Marne und Ysle

      11.8. - 3.9.18 Stellungskämpfe ( position competition) an der Vesle

      4.9. - 9.10. Kämpfe ( battle) an der Siegfriedlinie

      10.10.1918 Rückzugsgefechte ( rearguard action ) zwischen Aisne Secre bis zur Maas

      The first page is very difficult to read, but I try it


      Thanks Andreas...........I'll repost that page with a bit more photoshop sharpening and see if that helps.


    3. Hello Ed,

      Ohnesorg joined the Chevaulegers in 1917, 5th escadron 3. Chevaulegersregiment on 22.11.17.

      His profession was plumber.

      He changed to the artillery as a driver on 28.1.1918. 2. mobiles Ersatz Bataillon 2. bayerisches Fuß-Artillerie Regiment.

      He was educated at the rifle 98 and the tubular steel lance.

      He left the army at 12.11.1918 to his hometown Kaiserslautern.

      He was awarded with the EK2 on the 18.7.1918.

      The list of the battles are very difficult to read.

      Thanks very much.......I understand he was only in the Chevaulegers for about two months before transferring over the the FussArty?

      The list of battles are a actual problem and not from the scanning. Hard for me to make out anything. The list is long though.

      Thanks again..............


    4. Here is his Soldbuch..............


    5. The Militar-Pass first and only the pages that have entries..................thanks:








      I'll post the Soldbuch a bit later..................

      Thanks again...............

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