firstly thankyou for your interest in this item. i use the name green dick because my name is richard green, on the nominal role its green richard, dick being short for richard, the nickname has stuck.
i am currently serving on herrick 19 i am a sniper by trade but due to rcent promotion i got tasked with a different role me and one other cpl who is recce by trade, are working with the us and itallians, providing sercurity while they escort the afghans around the country for leave, graduatons ect. we use civilian chartered aircrafts and fly to harat, kandihar, bastion and dwya. on a daily basis we drive out in a convoy and pick up and search 100 - 120 afghans and escort them to the millitary airport. we then provide force protection on the civilian aircarfts to the 4 various locations. we have a company in mob pice providing sercurity while they close that base and a company in lashi gar duri junction that are on operations with the ana weekly. we also have an element working at camp shurabat next to camp bastion mentoring and training the ana.
I found this piece in the airport in a glass cabinet as it had been Confiscated from someone. i was imiately drew to it fro the south staffordshire capbadge and asked if i cpould have it. reluctantly i was given it. since ive found this i have been searching the internet trying to find its origins using various millitary history websites, black smith forums and various forums such as this one.
i value the information you have gave me and if there are any more questions regarding this tour of afghan or my last tour in 2010 with my regiment i would be glad to answer.