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    Ralph A

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    Posts posted by Ralph A

    1. I'll swim against the current, and provide a counterpoint.

      I disagree with the "desecration" and "damage" statements. The pieces are to you heirlooms first, and collectibles/acquisitions second. You're the direct descendant, so anything you do to the pieces (within reason) seems to me to be instead part of their history.

      But given your concern, consider having them engraved on a minuscule level; lazer engraved in a discreet place - say, the side of an arm. Just a tiny script to "perzonalize" the pieces, invisible to the naked eye.

      Like the One Ring. wink.gif

      That being said, I would not do anything to them, were they mine. I think your reason to so do is not good; though your concern has some merit.

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