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    Posts posted by Melz

    1. Hi,

      I am hoping to be able to get some help on some research I am doing for my family tree on my great,great grandfather and a cousin who were both in the 14th Kings Hussars.

      My great,great grandfathers name was Thomas Cottrell and his number was 715 and he was a private in the 14th Kings Light Dragoons from 1841 to 1861. We know he served for approx 20 years, 18 and a half of these spent abroad in the east Indies.

      My cousin's name was George Evanson and he joined in 1900 to the 14th Hussars. He was born in 1883 in Manchester. I have attached the record I have found which says he spent time in India and Africa and was discharged in 1920.

      I am hoping someone can tell me more about where they both served etc and hopefully have some pictures?

      Many thanks


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