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    Posts posted by landsknechte

    1. ...or it may have been one of those lounge lizards that Rick refers to on occassion.

      OBTW, I found another one and I would appreciate some help identifying the last two ribbons on the bar.

      The last one is either the so-called "Awaloff Cross", a freikorps decoration, or one of several decorations issued by the Austrian branch of the Maltese Order. So far, pretty much all of the handfull of ribbonbars with that ribbon that have surfaced appear to be more likely the Awaloff decoration - however yours is probably the most likely of the bunch to have been the Maltese decoration. Either way, rarer than hens teeth. :cheers:

    2. And he scores scores SCORES!!!!!! :jumping::jumping::jumping:

      Still can't explain any of it, but the ORANGE edges and proportions on that are an EXACT match, and since the entire bar x2 is screwy, why not? Luxemburg, Holland....

      My best guess had been the old M1825-1913 Prussian XXI Years Service Brooch, but the edges on your 1909 are definitely a match, while a yellow edged XXI was just nearest seeming rationally possible.

      Once we simply discard "possible" things for what is actually ON these two Freaky Bars... :cheeky:

      Give yourself a second notch for identification of bizarre ribbons!!!! :cheers:

      ...and it gets weirder. There's another one out there. These were given out by Adolph of Nassau until 1866 as an official state decoration of Nassau, and until 1890 as a decoration "from exile", and then from 1890 onwards as an official decoration of Luxemburg. :speechless:

    3. ... and why is HE buying REAL bars??? What does he do with them??

      http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...item=6231874990 :Cat-Scratch:

      Certainly not research. :rolleyes:

      Here's one that I can't figure out. It's openly advertised as a likely reproduction (okay, technically he calls it a "repo"), and there's a bidding war in progress.

    4. Now, as if these bars aren't confusing enough already....

      The first ribbon looks most like either a pre-1913 Prussian XXI DA, or an old Nassau house order. At first glance, the latter would seem to be discounted with the 1866 annexation of Nassau. However, apparently Duke Adolph of Nassau continued to make awards while in exile from 1866-1890, and from 1890 to the present, it's been a decoration of Luxemburg.

      In addition to the Hessian Red Cross medal, there was also a Dutch Red Cross medal that had that same ribbon as #2. Heck, as odd as this bar is, it wouldn't completely shock me if it turned out to be a British SGM.


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