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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Jacques

    1. Hi,

      This topic is to try to find a logic answer to Spectre's question concerning the "Cruz blanca" and spanish cross awarding relation.

      Schibau was awarded the cruz blanca and the spanish cross in gold

    2. IMHO, Bender's theory about correspondence between German awards and Spanish awards is WRONG.

      These are the figures I have (Source: "La Ayuda Alemana a Espa?a 1936-1939". R. Hidalgo Salazar. Editorial San Martin. Madrid, 1975. ISBN 84-7140-103-7. Pages 225-226.):

      Spanish Military Merit Order medals (WHITE) awarded to LC members:

      Gran Cruz (Great Cross): 3

      Cruz de 3? clase (3rd class cross): 5

      Cruz de 2? clase (2nd class cross): 42

      Cruz de 1? clase (2nd class cross): 1234

      Other Spanish decorations awarded to LC members:

      Medalla Militar Individual (Military Medal, individual): 60

      Cruz de Guerra (War Cross): 986

      Cruz Roja del M?rito Militar (Military Merit Red Cross): 5600

      Medalla de la Campa?a (Campaign Medal): 14982

      Medalla de Sufrimientos por la Patria (Medal for Sufferings for the Country - Wound Medal): 206

      Unfortunately, those figures are incomplete: There are more than 60 recipients of the Military Medal, and I think most of those 14982 recipients of the Campaign medal received another medal too.

      Best regards

      Hi Panzerpionier

      I updated your "medalla militar" list and have around 92 names.

      Do you know a list of the recipients for the "sufrimientos por la patria" medal?


    3. Some great pictures you have Jacques. I have a question about your latest one with the NCO wearing the medal bar. It looks like the white (non-combatant) military service cross on the bar but the Spanish Cross sure looks like it has swords.

      I would have thought with the white service cross he would have had the silver cross without swords, am I right or wrong?? :unsure:

      Thanks, Alan


      I already observed that on others pictures. It seems that there is no relation between white cross and spanish cross w/o sword attribution. I don't know pictures showing white cross with spanish cross w/o swords.

      I've at the moment no logical explaination.


    4. Jacques,

      I keep looking at the sword grips and I am wondering what is wrong with them?

      :beer: Doc

      Look on the reverse. On the copies, it seems there is a little round part at the top, which is not on the originals.

      The eagles swastica have 3 cut branches on the copies, only 2 on the originals.

    5. I shown two different crosses which are IMO copies. There are MM CEJ 900 , but the CEJ mark is wrong, the eagles are not of the design as the original Juncker, thus the clutched swasticas. The cross presented at the top of the thread shows the same eagles details and swasticas, with no mark. Ithink it is a very dangerous fake. I will try to find other pictures of the same type of cross with other MM.

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