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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Jacques

    1. I just got this small group today and share it with you. there are few pictures and papers. I tryed to scout the carrier but there are many holes.

      Wilhelm Meyer enlisted to the R.R.13 in 1933. I think he served with the Pz.Rgt.5 and voluntered the Legion Condor with the first contingent. He served from 10/08/1936 to 16/12/1937 in Spain, first of all to the Panzergruppe Drohne and after 01/05/37 to the infantry school.

      He participated to the Sudeten Campaign, may be Poland and France.

      He was sent to Afrika with the Pz.Rgt.5. He served after that to the Pz.Rgt.6. In 1944 he is with the Pz.Abt.8 and he was awarded the DK in gold.

      He was killed on 03/27/1945

      the first picture shows him in Spain

    2. Hi,

      Welcome to the forum.

      This medal was indeed widely produced and awarded to Spanish veterans and Legion condor members.

      Ega?a is the spanish most known manufacturer, and its decoration are always of good quality. I just find one like your in medals bar, with the same MM and AM letters.

      I think that Panzerpionner or Valero will be more helpfull to say if this is a period mark or post-war.


    3. Here is a bunch of photo from a Panzergruppe Drohne former member. The name appears to be Paul Z?ndorf . I didn't find him within the book list "Los hombres de von Thoma" but the list isn't complete. Nevertheless, the group was sold few years ago and photos were splitted out.

      Paul served at least in Pz.Rgt.5, Legion condor (1939), Pz.Rgt.5, Schw.Pz.Abt.505.

      Here he is with Olt Buchterkirch (later RK,EL tr?ger)

    4. Here's another Meybauer from my files, this time without swords.


      I like this one with 900 and coat of arms.

      Are these crosses all from your collection, Stan ?

      This one needs a good cleaning,isn't it Sal ?

    5. Sal,

      I don't understand what you mean by "small swastica".

      The eagles were soldered close to the center and the swasticas were soldered to the center too. the picture is not taken from above but a little bit sided, this is the reason why the upper right eagle's swas looks like cut.


    6. Hi Stan,

      Your cross looks to a Meybauer marked 900. I can't see the coat of arms, but I own such a cross with swords only marked 900. To my knowledge, I do think that Meybauer never used a special die for its without sword crosses,but cut the swords more or less accuratly. On your cross I think it was done very well.

      Indeed, the swords cut could have been done postwar in order to increase the price. Nevertheless, it seems to me quite difficult to do, because the crook have to keep the age ton of the cross. Generally, on the period made crosses, there is no color difference between the cross and the altered part.



    7. I had the opportnity to get in hand an original named one many years ago. I got no pics, the owner didn't want. Original crosses are beautiful, even when there are in worn condition. I'll post a pic I found on another forum of a cross attributed to Harlinghausen (this is what it is written) and , that he worn during his Bundeswehr duty. All the swasticas were dnazified by applying gold on, thus making a gold square. unfortunatly, no reverse pic.

      Stan cross is convincing on the pics. the engraving looks to the original. which made me starnge is of course the price, but also the pin, the color doesn't match to originals, and the size looks like a normal cross. By comparing side by side with an original, sure other main details should jump to the eyes.

      So, be carefull before spending such amount of money.

    8. Hi Stan,

      Except the pin which seems to be shorter, your cross looks like the one presented in the german magazine. But the price it has been proposed to you doesn't match to the current prices.

      Do you know its characteristics ?



    9. The "fiel" on his tombstone implies killed in action since "gefallen" is normally used that way, but the letter does indeed say "verstorben" which is "died" rather than "killed."

      The letter is to his mother, so she could have received the next of kin cross.

      I would have like to get the "Next of kin" document too, but...

      After reading again the names list of the dead in Spain and comparing the very few groups I know, it seems that I need more informations and samples to make a rule.

      Ogfr. Bode was on duty/service/mission when he died, but not in combat action. For sample, another group I know (Gef. Sch?fer), the recipient was awarded the SC bronze; he was killed by a friendly fire at the barracks. the third is Sal's grouping (Uffz. Oblau) which include the gold SC; the soldier vehicle was shot by enemy artillerie during a mission. But Lt. Plate died during a traffic accident and was awarded the Sc in gold.

      My theory doesn't match..

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