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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Jacques

    1. How about even the fact the owner could have been a spanish volunteer or of foreign descent from way back..? Nationalist pride etc.

      Just plain wrong order works as well of course ;) In many ways it seems that the regulations were so confusing at different times!


      Matt Gibbs

      the regulations were not confusing, but not always strictly applied !

    2. The first one Sal shows is fake as Rick says, this second one, Jacques can you lift up the material on the base catch to confirm my thoughts please.

      (in my opinion it's fake, a built up base, there are some good Luft ones of these about too, they have the oblate rounded head on the catch, more commonly you find the one like Sal shows, pointed or the 'apex' head. Bring it along to Stuttgart Jacques I'd like to ponder over this example in hand if I may)

      I didn't have it anymore. here is another pic.


    3. Here is a green case which I think is a copy. I need your opinion.

      the case is a little bit larger than the original (2-3mm)

      the dark green color is convincing

    4. Here is the inside of the programm sheet. Note the name "Sierra Cordoba" on which boat travelled the members of the PzGruppe Drohne, the instructors of the military academies, the signal Coy, and the Imker Gruppe Staff from 26 to 31May. Which is interesting on this one is the date. It is dated 1 June 39. I guess this one was an extra.

    5. The members of the LC returned home on bord of several ships: Sierra Cordoba, Wilhem Gustloff, It seems that programm were edited for each ship including daily time table and menu.

      This one is for the F/88 which travelled on the W. Gustloff.

    6. Administrative but with swords ! Did he throw ink to the eyes of the enemy in Spain? :cheeky:

      Was it such easy ????

      No, he was certainly appointed to a LW combat unit as administrative and thus got the swords class. Or he was not yet administrative at the time of his turn in Spain.


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