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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Jacques

    1. The text variants of which I'm talking about are in fact in relation with the appartenance to the LW and the Army or to the KM.

      Top is the text used for a LW spanish cross in silver member (it's probably the same for the army:

      Bottom is one fo a KM member

    2. Previously I written that documents show some variants in the text. that no thrue for the spanish cross in gold document, at least as far as I've observed in my file pics. the text is always the same for that class (based on 10 docs observed) and it's the following one. Nevertheless, it should be interesting to see a document attributed to a KM member. Does anyone of you own one ?

    3. Hello,

      I got few pics of this guy. He is wearing the cuff title "1936 spanien 1939". He wears also the cloth badge for signal specialist and a "L" on his shoulder straps. I can't see exactly the piping color, but it looks too dark to be yellow, so I think it's a panzer piping, for the Panzer Lehr Regiment of which the members were entitled to wear this cuff band. Scott Prichett wrote a good stuff about that band on WAF.

      Hope you will show your band and photos.

    4. Here is another pic, not from my album, which is the first I saw showing this badge. It is during the Hamburg award ceremony on May 31th, 1939. The officer could be OLT HERTZER. The two next to him are OTL von Thoma and OTL von FUNCK.


    5. Few month ago, I bought a group with 2 photos albums from a LC veteran. all the pics were taken in Spain. some of them shown a spaecial cloth badge worn on the left sleeve.

      The guy issued from the "Nachr. Lehr. Kommando Leignitz" and was committed in Spain from 1938 to 1939. In Spain , he was part of the Imker Horch Kompanie, named Gruppe Wolm.

      It's was a special Army unit of radio-interception. Wolm was the name of the firt commander of this unit. this unit was engaged on the front lines to get information on the enemy activities. the company was divided in 3 platoon.

      In 1938, the members worn a special cloth badge on the left sleeve(I don't know which platoon, or the entire Coy). the badge is oval, it represents a leaves wreath with a swastica at the base surrounding a 4 pointed antenna crossed by a bolt of lightning.

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