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    Posts posted by Pacman

    1. Thank you both. Unfortunately this is already highly enlarged from a group photo on the site http://www.history.toumanoff.com

      Our family name is Korobka, and this gentleman bears an incredible likeness to my wife's father, who's grandfather and 5 brothers all served as personal czarist guards. We can now at least try to find the missing link as all were killed in the storming of the palace except his son (grandfather) who escaped back to the Ukraine. 


    2. Hi,

      I am researching my wife's family history, and it appears that the Imperial Guard in the attached photo is one of her great grandfather's family. The photo was taken as part of the Imperial Guard with Czar Nicholas in we think about 1915. We can recognize the George Cross on his left breast, but was wondering if anyone may have an idea of any in the group on his right breast. Possibly the St Anne Cross in the centre due to what appears to be crossed swords? I know it is a low resolution image, but if we can identify we may be able to trace his name via recipient lists. I have tried searching via google images to no success so far. He is the only one in the group photo with this cluster.

      Thank you.

      medal ID.jpg

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