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Two awards of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Council "For Loyalty to the State" (За відданість державі) and "For Loyalty to the State and Personal Contribution to Bringing Victory Closer" (За відданість державі та особистий внесок у наближення перемоги) I don't know what the difference is between them, but both are awarded to military personnel.
Most people don't understand this, so they don't see a particular problem. Of course, there are awards that are appreciated and desirable to receive, but they look at everything else as if the authorities gave it, so be it.
This is a medal from several public organizations, I think depending on the organization, the design has its own characteristics: https://vikna.if.ua/news/68615/view https://suspilne.media/ivano-frankivsk/565389-vidznakou-brat-za-brata-nagorodili-inozemnih-instruktoriv-medikiv-u-frankivsku/ This is one of two public organizations "Kraina" (Країна) and "Zvytyaga" (Звитяга) that were created by the same award manufacturer "Order" (Орден): https://vgo-kraina.org/
Award "For Courage and Bravery" (За Мужність та відвагу) of the Korosten City Council: https://korosten.today/korosten/suspilstvo/u-korosteni-rodynam-bilsh-iak-50-zahyblykh-heroiv-khochut-vruchyty-posmertni-vidznaky-za-muzhnist-ta-vidvahu.html
Blue and yellow ribbon
I do not have accurate information about this.
Medal "For the defense of the Toretsk community" (За оборону Торецької громади). This is a newer medal than the previous one, although I don't know if it is still awarded, since the city is destroyed and the administration has left, now there are battles there.
This is the medal of the public organization "Kraina" "Honor and Glory". It can be awarded by various organizations at their discretion: https://vto-orden.com.ua/catalog/layer/vidznaki-obyednannya
Honorable mention of the Ternopil Regional Council "For demonstrated courage in the performance of official duties and steadfastness in the protection of state sovereignty." (Почесна відзнака Тернопільської обласної ради "За проявлену мужність у виконанні службових обов'язків та незламність у захисті державного сувернітету")
1 class - military 2nd - civilians: https://nikvesti.com/ua/news/photoreportage/mer-senkovich-pochesni-vidznaki-oborona-mykolaeva-viiskovosluzhbovtsiam-rodicham-volonteram-pratsivnikam-sluzhb-ua
Medal "For the Defense of Mykolaiv": https://novosti-n.org/ua/news/U-Mykolayevi-prezentuvaly-medal-Za-oboronu-Mykolayeva-pershyh-pretendentiv-nagorodyat-u-zhovtni-276094
This is the medal of the Main Directorate of Intelligence "For Courage in the Performance of Special Tasks".
Hi. Initially, it was a commercial medal, but later the design of the medal was used for the "Defender of Ukraine" medal of the Ministry of Defense. Recently, the design was changed again and now it has a different look.
It`s the Imperial Order of Saint Prince Vladimir of Russian Empire.
Both medals are of the Main Directorate of Intelligence. The first is the "Honorable Distinction", the second is the "For Combat Merit" medal.
These are the names of the recipients.
There is a new law: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z1112-23?fbclid=IwAR1iPBfgV0ylnA477CyhG5DG2JDAUq8HOBVZHKrQtdaSNojki2jnEj8Bnjw#n15
Medal of the Commander of the Operational Group of Troops "Zaporizhzhia" "For the defense of Zaporizhzhia" (За оборону Запоріжжя)
Hi. Most medals made of bronze, but there are three medal is silver it's: Medal For Military Service to Ukraine (Медаль За військову службу Україні), Medal for Lifesaving (Медаль За врятоване життя) and Medal for work and achievement (Медаль За працю і звитягу). There are some orders in silver too.
Are the both medals for civilians? Maybe it's two different medals, one for military, second for civilians.
This happens because the laws are not changed in time when it is needed, various departments bypass or ignore the instructions at their discretion and instead of prohibiting them from doing this or changing the laws, they do not pay attention to the violations. This is my new article about it: https://www.ukrmilitary.com/2023/04/vidomchi-nagorody.html?m=1 As far about Medal "For the Defence of Ukraine" the process begun for both military and civilian: https://lviv1256.com/news/viyskovykh-103-i-bryhady-teroborony-nahorodyly-vidznakoiu-za-oboronu-ukrainy/ and: https://vsim.ua/Podii/eks-lisivnika-zi-slavuti-nagorodili-medallyu-za-oboronu-ukrayini-11779697.html