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    1. Dear Trooper_D, I found some information about him on internet: https://www.geni.com/people/Marquis-Georgii-degli-Albizzi/6000000050530789896 Marquis Georgii Fedorovitch degli Albizzi Captain of the Guards, Colonel (for 1920). In the Armed Forces of the South of Russia; From 3.07.1919 the head of the machine-gun team in the division of his regiment, from October 1919 the commander of the same division, in early 1920 in the Guards detachment in the Crimea commander of the Combined Guards Squadron. Killed on Perekope. https://translate.google.com.tr/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=http://regiment.ru/bio/D/121.htm&prev=search
    2. Dear Egorka, And JapanX, Thank you very much for your help. Girey Loov is my father's mother's brother. It is so exciting to find history of crosses (at least for one of them) I also find some historical documents about him. I am not sure but probably first cross is (numbered 643-071) also belongs to him and awarded at February 1915 for bravery. I put some information about him which i found on internet. 31 мая 1916 г. Черкесскому полку, в составе 41-го Армейского корпуса, было приказано захватить село и железнодорожную станцию Окно. Во время конной атаки, первыми в село, во главе с штабсротмистром, итальянским маркизом Г.Ф. Делли Альбицци, ворвались урядник 3-й сотни Мустаф Дзыба, всадник Магомет-Гирей Лоов, ставший впоследствии поручиком и командиром Отдельной Абазинской сотни 3-го Черкесского конного полка в белогвардейском движении, и урядники Алджирей Бжегаков и Исхак Ачмиз, захватившие трофеи: эшелон с каменным углем, интендантские склады, несколько пулеметов, и пленившие 157 австрийцев и венгров. Как сказано в приказе о награждении, «...увидев взводного офицера и двух всадников, окруженных неприятелем, бросились и изрубили всех врагов, чем спасли жизнь своего офицера...». За эти подвиги, приказом по 41-му Армейскому корпусу Мустаф Дзыба, Магомет-Гирей Лоов, Алджирей Бжегаков и Исхак Ачмиз были награждены Георгиевскими крестами. May 31, 1916, the Circassian Regiment, as part of the 41st Army Corps, was ordered to capture the village and the railway station Okno. During the horse attack, the first to the village, led by the headquarters staff, the Italian Marquis GF. Dalli Albizzi, the third-hundredth detachment Mustaf Dzyba, the rider Mohammed-Girey Loov, who later became the lieutenant and commander of the Independent Abazin hundred of the 3rd Circassian cavalry regiment in the White Guard movement, and the order officers Algirey Brzegakov and Iskhak Achmiz, who captured the trophies: the echelon with the stone Coal, quartermaster warehouses, several machine guns, and captivated 157 Austrians and Hungarians. As stated in the awarding order, "... when they saw the platoon officer and two riders surrounded by the enemy, they rushed and hacked all the enemies, than saved the life of their officer ...". For these exploits, by order of the 41st Army Corps Mustaf Dzyba, Mohammed-Girey Lov, Algirey Brzegakov and Iskhak Achmiz were awarded St. George crosses. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Крым-Шамхалов,_Магомет-Гирей
    3. Dear Collectors, My ffamily has two pieces of St. George Crosses. I want to know histories of that crosses. Both are class 4 and serial numbers are: - 643-071 - 809-616 I checked the links above but sadly i can't read or speak Russian. If you can help me I'll be grateful for your help. Thanks in advance.
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