I have attached a photograph a detachment of the Devonport Borough Police, in 1913. (This detachment had helped police the Cornish china clay strike.) The sergeant is my great grandfather, David Moore (1868 -1917).
May I ask: what is the badge on his chest? I know he was awarded a Merit Badge for meritorious conduct, when a PC in 1900; but I have been given to understand that these merit badges were typically of cloth, and worn on the cuff. But he doesn't appear to have anything on his cuff! So I'd be grateful for a steer here.
All of these policemen wear a different badge on their right upper-arm. This would appear to be a red cross badge, similar to that worn by the RAMC. Is that what this is?
All of the policemen wear a round device on their shoulder. Again, I would be grateful to learn what this is.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.