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    No one

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    Everything posted by No one

    1. Dear Gentlemen, Miscellaneous: Djibouti (aha-helico-air.asso.fr) - Helmet decal (black waves): - Key ring EOM 088 (black waves): - Stickers (blue waves): Yours sinscerely, No one
    2. Dear Gentlemen, The patches: - GAMOM 88: - ETOM 088: - ETOM 88: - ETOM 88 'Larzac': - ET 88 'Larzac': - ET 88 'Larzac' 1°escadrille BR117: - ET 88 'Larzac' 2°escadrille BR120: Yours sincerely, No one
    3. Dear Gentlemen, Presentation of the oldest insignia 'The boutre' worn in Djibouti. At firs,t it was the insigna of the Air Base of the French Coast of the Somalis in 1937, it was also painted on the fuselage of the planes, Potez 25 and Potez 29. Then it became the insignia of the 1/85 Police and Security Flight, and of the squadrons that followed, up to the 88 Larzac Transport Squadron in 2012. The documents, insignia of the Air Base of the French Coast of the Somalis: An advertising from Drago published in L'Illustration 15 juillet 1939 suplément: - 1942 02 19 Djibouti Français journal № 33 (Vichy publication): Presentation of the insignias of the ELA 51, the EOM 88, the GAMOM 88, the ETOM 88 and the ET 88 in Djibouti: Brief history: - 1943 creation 1/85 Police and Security Flight (Escadrille de Police et de Securite 1/85 / EPS 1/85) - April 1, 1946 creation of Air Liaison Fligth 51 (Escadrille de Liaison Aérienne 51 / ELA 51) - December 31, 1958: formation of Overseas Fligth 088 from ELA 51 (Escadrille d'Outre-Mer 088 / EOM 088) - 1970: the flight is redesignated as Overseas Mixed Air Group 88 (Groupe Aérien Mixte d'Outre-Mer 88 / GAMOM 88) - April 1, 1976: the unit becomes Overseas Transport Squadron 88 (Escadron de Transport d'Outre-Mer 88 / ETOM 88) - 1988: the ETOM 88 takes its traditional name of “Larzac” - September 2012: ETOM 88 Larzac becomes Transport Squadron 88 Larzac (Escadron de Transport 88 / ET 88) - April 2014: Resumption of the traditions of the BR 117 Fligth (Helicopter Fligth) and BR 120 Fligth (Airplane Fligth) To date the insignias: - black waves Air - Djibouti ELA 51: - Drago-Paris-Nice 43,rue Olivier Métra : - Drago Paris: - black waves without Air - Djibouti EOM 088: - Drago Paris: Note: in 1975 the insignia got an homologation Air # A 1048: - blue waves GAMOM 88 / ETOM 88: - Drago Paris: - Drago: - Drago Noisiel ETOM 88: - A.P.S. ET 88: - ET 88 1° escadrille BR117 homologation Air A.1430 Boussemart by Promodis 2014: - ET 88 2° escadrille BR120 homologation Air A.1431 Boussemart by Promodis 2014: Yours sincerely, No one
    4. Dear gentlemen, Interesting documents, I love the sentence "... , the Central Governement is pleased to notified ..." Yours sincerely, No one
    5. Dear Gentlemen, Presentation of the insignia of the Air Command of the French Coast of the Somalis*, homologation air A.637 1955: *Commandement Air de la Côte Française des Somalis Note: it was also the insignia of the Air Base 188 until 1967. - Air Somalis (with miniature) Drago Paris: Note: exists in modern French shield type #2: Wikipedia: Yours sincerely, No one
    6. Dear Gentlemen, Here are two documents taken from the 1979 welcome booklet which complete this subject: - Air-DA 188 organization chart: - Map of the BA 188 / DA 188: - BA 188 Open Doors May 6,1973: - BA 188 Open Doors April 6,1975: - a poster: - an envelope (1968): Yours sincerely, No one
    7. Dear Gentlemen, The patches: - DA 188: - BA 188: - very large: Yours sincerely, No one
    8. Dear Gentlemen, The Air Force has been present in Djibouti since 1932. The squadron of the French coast of Somalis (CFS) was formed on April 1, 1933, on the Salines field, with three Potez 25 TOE and one Potez 29 medical detached of the 39th Aviation Regiment stationed in the Levant. In June 1935, the Air Ministry decided to transfer the air base to the Gabode field. In 1948, a hard runway and an air terminal were built on the Ambouli site, marking the creation of Air Base 188 in 1948, which was made official in July 1949. On May 9, 1968, Colonel Émile Massart, commander of the air forces in TFAI, was killed aboard his AD4 Skyraider during an air-to-ground shooting training mission. In homage, Air Base 188 took his name. Presentation of the insignia of the Air Base 188* (1967~1977), Air Detachment 188** (1977~2002) and Air Base 188 (2002~....) in Djibouti, homologation air A 961 1967: *Base Aérienne 188 / BA 188 **Détachement Air 188 / DA 188 - GF FIA Lyon: - Drago Paris: - Guymo Paris: - no maker's name: - Bessin: - Bessin Prestige Silver: - Bessin Prestige Gold: - pin's no maker's name: - key ring: Yours sincerely, No one
    9. Dear Megan, "Ah, so they messed up the link? If a link starts "C:/users..." it is on the computer of whoever is trying to post a link rather than in a publically-available location on the Internet." Thanks for the lesson. So this link is on my computer? I didn't know. So how can I get rid of it and get the real one. I have to admit that I don't really understand this modern technology. "You do not want us yahoos rooting around on your computer" I didn't understand a word of this sentence either, now I do, thanks again. Kindly show understanding towards the aging members of this forum who are not computer-savvy. Yours sincerely, No one
    10. Dear Megan, The second link is tricky. And the text should appear .. I hope! The text in blue above is what I'm talking about. By the way "The link doesn't work because it is to someone's (yours?)" No, it's the official page of the government of Benin website where it was published. Yours sincerely, No one
    11. Dear Megan, Did you try here? Décrets | Secrétariat général du Gouvernement du Bénin Here for the two most recent medals Ministère de la Défense Nationale (defense.bj) "Reconnaissance du mérite des personnels et des unités militaires des FAB Le Gouvernement instaure la création de médailles militaires Dans le cadre de la promotion et de la reconnaissance du mérite des personnels et des unités militaires des Forces Armées Béninoises (FAB), le Conseil des ministres a adopté le mercredi 29 novembre 2023, deux décrets instaurant la création de médailles militaires. Ces insignes distinctifs, au-delà de la valeur symbolique, visent à exprimer la gratitude et la reconnaissance de la Nation envers ceux qui se sont distingués par leur bravoure et leur dévouement. La première médaille, dénommée la "Médaille de la défense nationale", a pour objectif de récompenser les personnels et les unités militaires qui se sont illustrés de manière exceptionnelle lors d'opérations nationales, multinationales, spéciales ou en service commandé. Ces faits d'arme remarquables peuvent être caractérisés par le courage, le zèle, la bravoure ou des résultats méritoires, voire héroïques. Il peut également s'agir d'actions particulièrement déterminantes ayant permis de sauver des vies, que ce soit celles de leurs camarades ou des populations civiles, ainsi que de remporter des victoires sur l'ennemi. La seconde médaille, appelée la "Croix du combattant", est destinée à honorer les personnels et les unités militaires des FAB qui, au cours d'opérations nationales, multinationales, spéciales ou en service commandé, ont fait preuve d'une bravoure exemplaire et ont été gravement blessés, tués ou portés disparus au combat, que ce soit sur le territoire national ou à l'étranger. Ces médailles militaires représentent une reconnaissance officielle du courage, de l'engagement et du sacrifice des hommes et des femmes qui servent au sein des Forces armées béninoises. Elles témoignent de l'importance accordée par l'État à la défense nationale et à la protection des intérêts du pays. Au-delà de la valeur symbolique, ces médailles offrent également des avantages et des privilèges aux récipiendaires, tels que des droits à la retraite. Date de publication : 1 décembre 2023 à 17h : 11min" Yours sincerely, No one
    12. Dear Gentlemen, A picture is worth a thousand words: Yours sincerely, No one
    13. Dear Gentlemen, The purpose of the ACM is for the military to participate in the achievement of the civilian objectives of the peace plan in all areas, cultural, economic, social and security (maintenance of order and civil security). Its role is particularly important in the initial phase when civilian actors are not yet able to carry out their duties normally. Then, the armed forces gradually passed the baton to civilian organizations as the crisis emerged. Presentation of the insignia of the Civil-military actions* *Action civilo-militaire / ACM - ACM Y.Delsart 89100 Sens: Yours sincerely, No one
    14. Dear Gentlemen, I didn't know where to place this topic, so I choose here. The Chen Yu Autorized Adviser badges. Made by Drago, who is a French manufacturer, they appear to be military-inspired, possibly Chinese, or at least Asian. At least it's how it is advertised on (French) auction sites or when (French) collectors present them, and always linked to Indochina. So who were the Asian military advisers who wore them? The answer is here: Cosmetics and Skin: Chen Yu Yours sincerely, No one
    15. Dear Gentlemen, The 1st Overseas Combined Arms Regiment* was created on April 1, 1965, disbanded on July 31, 1974, stationed in Dakar, Senegal. *1er Régiment Interarmes d'Outre-mer / 1er RIAOM - 1er RIAOM type II Drago Paris homologué G.2064: - souvenir plaque: Yours sincerely, No one
    16. Dear Gentlemen, Presentation of the insignia of the Military Cooperation and Defense Mission* in Djibouti. *Mission de Coopération Militaire et de Défense / M.C.M.D. - Mission de Coopération Militaire et de Défense Arthus Bertrand: There is another insignia for the Military Cooperation Mission not specific to Djibouti but to all Africa: - Mission Militaire de Coopération type 1 Fia. Lyon Edit.: - Mission Militaire de Coopération type 2 CF Fia Lyon : Yours sincerely, No one
    17. Dear TracA, " I would say the same for your single sided enamel Rising Sun 7th Class. Would you agree? I believe that I have read that those are attributed to sometime during WW II." I always wonder if this 7th class was a WWII one. According to James W.Peterson, I quote "... and a few of those made by private firms during Worl War II have no enamel on the reverse." But mine is 'super' mint, brand-new I might say. So I thought that maybe, when the Japanese started to award this 7th class again they discontinued to make them with reverse enamel, because it was cheaper to make them. I only bought one of this but I saw a few of them always in mint condition with this type of case. So thinking they were more modern I never bother to buy more. I really like the one enameled on both side. Actually I thought that the one with the revers enameled was the one "throw togethers". But you may be right, I really don't know. Yours sincerely, No one
    18. Dear TracA, I have for the Order of the Rising Sun one 8th class and two 7th classes. One of the 7th classes is not enameled on the reverse. - 8th class: - 7th class no enameled reverse: - 7th class enameled reverse: And one Order of the Sacred Treasure 7th class: I examined the Honor Medal cases, and it seems that all of them have clasps. Even the recent ones. 平成二十五年四月二十九 / 29/04/2017: Yours sincerely, No one
    19. Dear TracA, I think they are made of Bakelite, imitating lacquer ware. They are post-WWII, when the Japanese started to award decorations again. I don't have the answers for the other questions. Yours sincerely, No one
    20. Dear Gentlemen, Presentation of the insignias of the Armies* Gasoline Service** in Djibouti: * Army, Air Force, Navy and National Gendarmerie **Service des Essences des Armées / SEA homologation H.789 The Service des Essences des Armées (SEA) was created in 1940. In 2020, the service was renamed the Operational Energy Service (Service de l'Energie Opérationnelle / SEO) in order to mark the evolution of its missions beyond fossil fuels. - Service des Essences des Armées FFDJ Delsart: This insignia is defective. There should not be the end of a small sail but shrouds and the mast. - Service des Essences des Armées FFDJ Indo: Same here, this insignia is defective. There should not be the end of a small sail but only shrouds and the mast. Now the correct ones, only shrouds and the mast: - Service des Essences des Armées FFDJ Indo: - Service des Essences des Armées FFDJ JMM, blue sail: - Service des Essences des Armées FFDJ JMM (prestige badge), blue sail: - Service des Essences des Armées FFDJ JMM (prestige badge), white sail: JMM insignes, maker from 19-11-2002 to 28-01-2013: Yours sincerely, No one
    21. Dear Gentlemen, I mix up French and English 'retirage = restrike'. Yours sincerely, No one
    22. Dear Megan, I did share the document. It's the three pages posted above. "Have you come across any regulations for Benin's Orders, Decorations, and Medals in your travels? " No. Yours sincerely, No one
    23. Dear Gentlemen, Presentation of the insignia of the National Gendarmerie School* of Benin (this school welcomes students from other African countries, Djibouti for example) *Ecole Nationale de la Gendarmerie (ENG) - DECRET NO 2OO1 .589 DU 28 DECEMBRE 2OO1 portant création de l'Ecole Nationale de la Gendarmerie: C:/Users/ardou/Downloads/decret-2001-589.pdf Yours sincerly, No one PS: the link doesn't work directly from this forum. You have to copy it.
    24. Dear Gentlemen, In France, the provost's office, or provost gendarmerie, is a detachment of the National Gendarmerie outside French territory. The provost units are responsible for the military police and part of the military justice. Provosts were established: - in times of war, to accompany troops in the field (with missions to control movements behind the front, to take charge of prisoners, to search for and arrest deserters and to neutralize enemy spies); - at all times, when large units, formations or detachments of the armed forces are stationed or operating outside the national territory; for example, there have been permanent provost gendarmeries in Dakar, Djibouti and Germany. Presentation of the insignias of the Provost in Djibouti homologation G.2109: - Prévôté CFS Drago lisse / enamel: - Prévôté CFS retirage Drago Paris (guilloché reverse & not enameled / plastiline?) - Prévôté TFAI Arthus-Bertrand Paris: - Prévôté TFAI no maker: Yours sincerely, No one
    25. Dear Gentlemen, In 1958, French Dahomey became the self-governing colony called the Republic of Dahomey and gained full independence in 1960. It was renamed in 1975 the People's Republic of Benin and in 1991 the Republic of Benin. - brevet parachutiste du Dahomey Drago Paris: Yourws sincerely, No one
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