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    Posts posted by Philip.S

    1. Gordon Craig, 

      No worries! 

      2 hours ago, Gordon Craig said:

      Cimbineus wrote my reference book and he could certainly answer your question should he log on again. 


      yes, I'm not sure if it is the same for everyone, but for me almost all his pics have disappeared, which is a shame judging from everyone's reactions to them! 

      Thank you!


    2. Sorry for posting on this thread once again, but I couldn't resist the temptation...

      I was browsing the Hungarian site "Vatera", even though they don't ship to the UK, but oh well 😢

      and I saw this:  I've only ever seen these in silver, now this is a gold, does that imply the existence of a bronze somewhere? here is the link: https://www.vatera.hu/rakosi-kivalo-muszaki-dolgozo-baberkoszorus-arany-fokozat-minijevel-dobozaban-3316453691.html



    3. Gordon Craig, 

      Very nice badge to you as well!

      I notice a metal latch on your case....mine doesn't have that, was that addition just an early case design, or was it for officers etc?

      Thank you,


      39 minutes ago, Gordon Craig said:

      I can not say much about this set as all of my reference books are in storage since we moved into a condo

      A little :offtopic:, perhaps, but i cant help but notice the 2 words "reference books", may I inquire as to the names of these? I can't find any myself!


      Again, Thank you


    4. Hello,

      In a hopefully not in vain attempt to resurrect this wonderful thread 😆, here is a Kivalo Karhatalmi Szolgalatert badge in a case I picked up a few months ago. Unlike the very first post in this thread, this one has not just the badge "holder", but also the miniature "holder", and is in better condition, so I presume it is of later manufactureimage_2023-09-28_201554116.thumb.png.924bc0d60563030cf46e031c9cdd5173.pngimage_2023-09-28_201627473.thumb.png.3dc6b13e5c35e6d4281d986a1ea9034d.png



    5. Hello, 

      Anyone who is familiar-ish with the Brockhaus lexicon series will be familiar with the plates in colour and not (especially the orders and medals pages :jumping:!), but sadly I found this rather annoying piece of pink paper in the Brockhaus from 1932. it reads along the lines of

      Because of the currently active changes of many uniforms, the plates "uniforms 1-8" have been excluded from this book, you will receive the new plates immediately if you throw this postcard into the Postbox without a stamp, after you have precisely signed the front side.


      I am hoping that perhaps someone might be able to scan these pages that are missing, and post them here?


      Many thanks,



    6. Good morning, 

      It has come to my attention
      that I haven't got the knack of posting pictures on this site yet. 


      I hope that fixes them.

      Thank you,



      I have also found out what it is, it has taken me an annoyingly long time to find this, but it is in fact a Syrian "Order of the Wounded" awarded to Military ad civilian personnel injured whilst acting for the state. Thank you to "Medals of the World" for my information on this. I am sorry for not posting this in the middle eastern forum, but i did not know at the time.



      Thank you,



    7. Hello, as I was browsing through some British cap badges in an antique shop, I found this. I asked the owner what it was, and she didn't know, I did some research myself, to no avail, so I will post it here. I don't know which country it was made by, so by putting it here, I hope it wont annoy anyone! It is one piece construction, and has no makers mark on the side, or reverse.

      Thank you for taking the time to read this, 


      Unknown award front.jfif Unknown award back.jfif

      I forgot to mention, the tip of the sword blade has a scuff, as if it had been broken off of something, probably connecting it to a ribbon.


      Thank you,


    8. Thank you for this Info, it is greatly appreciated. Sadly there are no medals or badges on the tunic, however there is a pin hole (single hole) in its right side, and on the inside, the impression left on the fabric is of a circle with the pin hole at its centre. This resembles the submariners' badge, but could be an excellent soldier badge or similar. It's  also worth noting, that although you can't see it on the picture clearly, the stars on his shoulder boards are different colours, I can't find anything similar to this anywhere else (top one is silver coloured, bottom two are brass coloured).

    9. Hello again,

      I have seen the box above many times with these medals, are they official, or cheap modern things, also, I recently acquired A kivalo termeloszovetkezeti tag, sold to me as a "excellent production line worker", however it translates to excellent member of the cooperative. A few posts up, is one of these, and it is stated that they are uncommon, is it possible to find out how many were awarded in a year. Lastly, the picture shows my medal in a 

      Box, but not the original one. Which award would have been in that box?IMG_20221226_165439462_50.thumb.jpg.732d6b7a55f81355e53ffae450bb46c3.jpgIMG_20221226_165401022_1_50.thumb.jpg.6dd034778d24bd2b0adba3463d50da94.jpg


      Again, thank you 


      Philip S

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