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    Everything posted by archie777

    1. Here we have the following award KwaNdebele Police Long Service Medal (20 Years) Here we have the following award. This medal was designed with two different suspenders and both wete strucked and awarded KwaNdebele Police Long Service Medal (20 Years)
    2. Here we have the following award KwaNdebele Police Long Service Medal (30 Years) Here we have the following award KwaNdebele Police Long Service Medal (30 Years) This was the first samples made. The suspender is reversed Here we have an alternate design for the following award KwaNdebele Police Long Service Medal (30 Years)
    3. Here we have the following award Unfortunately only a drawing, but this award was never manufactured or awarded KwaNdebele Police Gallantry Cross (Gold) Here we have the following award Unfortunately only a drawing, but this award was never manufactured or awarded KwaNdebele Police Gallantry Cross (Silver) Here we have the following award Unfortunately only a drawing, but this award was never manufactured or awarded KwaNdebele Police Commendation Medal
    4. Here we have the following award KwaNdebele Police Order for Distinguished Leadership Only one example was manufactured, for the Commissioner of KwaNdebele Police, Brigadier Lerm Unfortunately a bad picture Here we have the following award Unfortunately only a drawing, but this award was never manufactured or awarded KwaNdebele Police Medal for Most Distinguished Service References for the KwaNdebele Police Order of Distinguished Leadership Government Notice No. 12 in the Official Gazette of KwaNdebele, No. 66 of 21 August 1987 Here we have the following award Unfortunately only a drawing, but this award was never manufactured or awarded KwaNdebele Police Medal for Distinguished Service
    5. Hi Marcon1, This is the information I have Warrant by the President of the Republic of Transkei dated 26 May 1987 published under General Notice No. 28. The regulations were published at the same time. Republic of Transkei Government Gazette, Vol II, No. 31 of 12 June 1987 According to tge draft design, date stamped 27 June 1985, which was submitted to the State Herald, a silver bar bearing an ornamental lraf pattern would have been added to the ribbon denote 20 years service, with snother similar bar after 30 years service. At least one consignments of the Faithful Service Medal is know to have been struck in light bronze. The suspenders were reversed, with the result that the obverse and reverse are also reversed. It is clear that the records doesn't even mentioned the medal in bronze. On both Art Cards, the ribbons are the same and as per your picture on the right. Attached is the two Art Cards for the 10 & 15 years medals
    6. ÞdHere we have the only award designed snd approved for KaNgwane Police KaNgwane Police Establishment Medal The Warrant by the Minister of KaNgwane Police Service, was only signed on 15 April 1994 at Louieville The medal is part of my collection Apologies for the mistakes. Fingers to thick and didn't read before sent 🙄
    7. Here is more of the smaller banners ordered by the Units for their members
    8. Some Units ordered smaller banners and flags to be awarded to members or Commanding Officer for service rendered. Some with names and others without These Unit Colour Honours were specially ordered for UNITA in Angola A closer picture for the UNITA banner. It was made for their 20th Anniversary
    9. I was quite fortunate to have my late friend José Liebenberg, who personally made most of the South African Defence Force and Police, honour banners and flags. He always made a sample, on order from the units, until they're happy. With the final approval, he will make a second one, to be delivered to the units. He never made anything unless he received an official order. I bought most of his hinour banners, during the past 4 years, before he died on 27 November 2023 The picture are too large and I will share numerous pictures A first sample for SWA Special Forces The sample of 32 Battalion below and the approved one, on top
    10. Here is the correct banner and the original sample made for the SWA Special Forces, All embroided
    11. Hi Marcon1, That silver medal, could be the one for 15 years service. I also saw that information, but the ribbon in the middle, was approved for the Order of Transkei. According to notes that I have, of the State Herald, they only approved the ribbon on the right. The one on the left, was never adopted. My silver one, is not sterling silver, but I will check later on my notes, what medal it is. It is numbered and I got both mine, from the SADF Medal section got them with those ribbons. I saw numerous medals on BOB with middle ribbon, but as I said, that ribbon was woven for the Order of Transkei and the ribbon on the left, was never woven. Regards Archie
    12. I spend my 3 years in the SA Railways Police with the Northern Cape Regional Taskforce. The badge in the middle, was our badge My mistake, the one on the left was ours My different berets worn in the 2 Police Forces
    13. I spend 25 years in the SAP and 15 of those years at one of the Riot Units which later changed names to Internal Stability Division (ISD) and Public Order Police (POP). The name changed back to ISD and changed shoulder and chest flashes numerous time. I was fortunate to asked by my Commander to design our badge at 3 times. Here is a picture of all the different badges worn from 1986 to 2001, until I was promoted to the rank of Lt-Col and transfered to our Provincial Commissioners HQ in Kimberley, South Africa. At one stage, we had 38 ISD units in SA, but that was increased I spend my time at Riot Unit 15 Here is the medals awarded to me during my career in the SA Defence Force, South African Railways Police and then after the amalgamation with the SA Police in 1986, with the SAP, until the became the SA Police Service I spend my 15 years at the Riot Unit, with our Reaction Unit
    14. Hi Marcon1, Played a bit with you pictures but not done yet Excellent medal. I have the bronze medal in my collection, also without a ribbon, but will get it with patience
    15. Marcon & Megan, On request of Marcon, I will cover the following proposed medal Bophuthatswana State President's Medal for Shooting Mr. Ian Lewis, Staff Officer of the Bophuthatswana Internal Intelligence Service informally discussed the matter with the State Herald on 11 January 1990. Attached are the four designed. It is unclear which design were accepted, but according to information, this award were struck. No published Warrant has been traced
    16. Hi Marcon1, Thanks a million. Much appeciated and nothing wrong with the pictures Regards Archie
    17. Here we have a drawing for the following award Transkei Defence Force Faithful Service Medal (15 Years) Silver
    18. Here we have the following award Transkei Defence Force Faithful Service Medal This medal was manufactured in silver and bronze Here we have the medal in bronze The suspender was attached wrongly Here we have a possible sample in siver gilt
    19. Here we have a drawing of the alternative design for the following award Transkei Defence Force Military Rule Medal Here we have a drawing of the alternative design for the following design Transkei Defence Force Cross for Bravery Transkei Independence Medal
    20. Here we have the following award from the Transkei Defence Force Transkei Defence Force Cross for Bravery Here we have the following award from the Transkei Defence Force Transkei Defence Force Medal This medal were struck in silver and bronze Here we have the Transkei Defence Force in Bronze. Might be a sample, because only rekords for the silver could be found Here we have the following award Transkei Defence Force Military Rule Medal
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