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    Igor Starikow

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    Everything posted by Igor Starikow

    1. Many Thanks Jens for Help and interesting Info! And what about House Order von Hohenzollern, I read Info in www.wehrmacht-awards.com that Adam got this decoration. May be anybody have Info about promotions of Adam and his place of Died? Thanks Igor
    2. I have some Info about his Promotions: 22.03.1913 Kapitaenleutnant 01.09.1944 Kapitaen zur See z.V. Does anyone of you know about others Promotions of Hans Adam? Thanks Igor
    3. Hello! I am looking for some information about Kapitan zur See and Pour-le-Merite winner Hans Adam (1883 - 1948). Does anyone have a complete list of his awards and decorations? Any info about his assignments and promotions will be very useful. He was born in Wesel / Rhein. Where he was died? Perhaps somebody has this picture of him more large (~300 x 80)? Sourses: www.u-boot-net.de. Thanks Igor
    4. Many Thanks to webr55 for Help! Anybody knows when Howaldt was promoted to Fahnrich zur See (1908?), Leutnant zur See (1910?), Oberleutnant zur See (1913?), Korvettenkapitan zV (?) and Fregattenkapitan (?). Thanks Igor
    5. Hans Viktor Howaldt Born: 12. November 1888 in Kiel Died: 6. September 1970 in Bad Schwartau Hans Howaldt wurde 1888 in Kiel als j?ngster Sohn des Werftengr?nders Georg Howaldt und dessen dritter Ehefrau Helene Bammel geboren. Nach dem Besuch des Reform-Realgymnasiums in Kiel wurde er am 1. April 1907 Seekadett der Kaiserlichen Marine, 1910 Leutnant zur See, 1913 Oberleutnant zur See und am 2. August 1914 Adjutant auf dem Linienschiff SMS Elsass. Nach dem Besuch der Unterseebootschule in M?rwik wurde er 1916 zur Unterseeboot-Flottille Flandern nach Zeebrugge befohlen und war im U-Boot-Krieg Kommandant der U-Boote UC 4, UB 40 und UB 107, die unter seinem Kommando vorwiegend im ?rmelkanal 76 Schiffe mit ca. 150.000 Tonnen versenkten. Er wurde mit dem Eisernen Kreuz I. und II. Klasse ausgezeichnet und war Tr?ger des Hamburger und des L?becker Hanseatenkreuzes. Im Dezember 1917 erhielt Hans Howaldt auch den K?niglich Preussischen Orden Pour le M?rite und am 18. Januar 1918 wurde er Kapit?nleutnant. Nach einigen erfolgreichen Unternehmensgr?ndungen wurde er 1931 Vorstand und Gesellschafter der Heinrich Zeiss (Unionzeiss) AG. Bei den Olympischen Sommerspielen 1936 ersegelte er mit der Crew der Krupp-Yacht Germania III vor Kiel f?r Deutschland die Bronzemedaille in den Wettfahrten der Internationalen 8-Meter-Klasse. Im Zweiten Weltkrieg f?hrte er zun?chst 1939 auf der vormals im Seedienst Ostpreu?en eingesetzten Hansestadt Danzig (Schiff) des Norddeutschen Lloyd als ?ltester Kommandant den Verband der Minenschiffe und war dann im Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine, zuletzt als Kapit?n zur See z. V., t?tig. Nach dem Krieg widmete er sich gemeinsam mit seinen S?hnen dem Wiederaufbau des Familienunternehmens Heinrich Zeiss KG. Sources: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Howaldt Does anyone have a complete list of his awards and decorations? Any info about his assignments and promotions will be very useful. Thanks Igor
    6. Many thanks for your answer, Daniel! Did you know when Hartwig was promoted to Fahnrich zur See, Leutnant zur See, Oberleutnant zur See, Kapitanleutnant and Korvettenkapitan? When he entered the Navy and retired? Got he any austrian or turkian decorations? Thanks Igor
    7. Has anyone got a detailed biography of Kurt Hartwig? Thanks
    8. Dear forum members! I am looking for some information about Kapitanleutnant and Pour-le-Merite-Winner Kurt Hartwig (1887 - 1972). During First World War he was the Commander of U 16, U 32 and U 63. Does anyone have a complete list of his awards and decorations? Any info about his assignments and promotions will be very useful. Thanks. Igor
    9. Thank you very much for this Info, Rick and Dave! Are you know then Steinbauer was promoted to Fahnrich zur See? Thanks. Igor
    10. Dear forum members! I am looking for some information about Kapitanleutnant and Pour-le-Merite-Winner Wolfgang Steinbauer. Does anyone have a complete list of his awards and decorations? Any info about his assignments and promotions will be very useful. I find next Info about him from search sources: Born: 06.05.1888 in Strassburg/Elsass Died: 27.01.1978 in Koeln Ranks: Seekadett (01.04.1908), Fahnrich zur See (?), Leutnant zur See (?), Oberleutnant zur See (19.09.1914), Kapitanleutnant (28.04.1918), Korvettenkapitan (?), Fregattenkapitan (?). Entered Navy: 01.04.1908 SMS Pommern: 1914 U-Boot course: 1915 W/O U35: 1915 C/O UB47: 04.07.1916 - 31.03.1917 C/O UB48: 11.06.1917 - 28.10.1918 Retired: 16.02.1920 Decorations & Awards: Pour le merite (03.03.1918), HHOX (09.01.1917), EK I & EK II, BMV4X. Thanks Igor
    11. Hello! Dear forum members! I am looking for some information about Kapitan z. S. and Pour-le-Merite-Trager Walter Forstmann. I know that he had next Decorations & Awards: - Pour le merite: am 12.08.1916 als Kapitanleutnant und Kommandant Unterseeboot "U 39" - Ritterkreuz des Kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern: 14.05.1916 - 1914 EK I - 1914 EK II - Kgl. Preuss. Roter Adler-Orden IV. Klasse: 10.03.1912 - Rettungsmedaille am Bande - Ritterkreuz des k.u.k. Osterr. Leopold-Ordens mit der Kriegsdecoration: 08.11.1917 - k.u.k. Osterr. Orden der Eisrenen Krone II. Klasse mit der Kriegsdecoration - k.u.k. Osterr. Militar-Verdienstkreuz III. Klasse mit der Kriegsdecoration - Turkische Silberne Imtiaz-Medaille mit Sabel - Turkische Goldene Liakat-(Verdienst-)-Medaille mit Sabel - Turkischer Eiserner Halbmond - U-Bootskriegsabzeichen, 1918 - Ehrenkreuz fur Frontkampfer - Grosses Bundesverdienstkreuz: 30.09.1960 - Bundesverdienstkreuz I. Klasse: 00.00.1952 I don`t know about his Decorations during Second World War. Does anyone have a complete list of his awards and decorations? Thanks Igor
    12. Dear forum members! I am looking for some information about Kapitanleutnant and Pour-le-Merite-Trager Kurt Hartwig. During First World War he was the Commander of U 16, U 32 and U 63. Does anyone have a complete list of his awards and decorations? Any info about his assignments and promotions will be very useful. Perhaps somebody has a picture of him? Thanks Igor
    13. Hello! Many thanks for your answers, Rick Research! They are a great help. I`m sorry but I have two other questions. Where Max Viebeg was born and died? As I know last his Rank was Korvettenkapitan. When Viebeg was promoted to this Rank? Thanks. Igor
    14. Dear forum members! I am looking for some information about Kapitanleutnant/Korvettenkapitan and Pour-le-Merite-Trager Max Viebeg (6 April 1887 - 9 November 1961). Where he was born and died? Does anyone have a complete list of his awards and decorations? Any info about his assignments and promotions will be very useful. Thanks Igor
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