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    Bill Garvy

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    Posts posted by Bill Garvy

    1. Brief description of personal feat or merits

      Lieutenant Colonel, comrade Pelushenok V.F. was one of those who took part in organization of the brigade. As a brigade commissar and later on as a second in command on political issues he made great efforts to establish Party and Komsomol organization of the brigade and to promote combat training. In battles as a member of the 16th Army at Kozelsk and in further separate operations as a member of the 10th Army he proved himself firm and resolute fighter. He is skilled in tactics, politically trained, he is quick to familiarize himself with the environment, he is able to take a correct decision on tactics and he is skilled in tactics. He can teach crew principles of loyalty to Lenin - Stalin party and Motherland.

      He deserves to be awarded with the ?Red Star? order.

      Participant of the Patriotic War from its beginning.

      Commander of the 9th fighting brigade

      Colonel (signed) /Gasparyan/

      April 03, 1943

      II. Conclusion of the Higher Command

      III. Conclusion of the Army Military Council

      Deserves to be awarded with the ?Red Star? order


      IV. Conclusion of the Front Military Council

      V. Conclusion of the Award Commission of the People?s Commissariat of Defense

      VI. Award Record

      Order of the Red Star was awarded under order to the 10th Army No 0259 of April 28, 1943.

    2. Record card

      Order book № 816461

      1. Last name: Pelushenok

      2. First, middle names: Vasily Fedorovich

      3. Military rank: Lieutenant Colonel in reserve

      4. Sex: Male

      5. Year of birth: 1902

      6. Place of birth: Dukaro settl., Minsk region, BSSR

      7. Party membership since: CPSU (B) member since 1927

      8. Education: elementary

      9. Nationality: Byelorussian

      10. In the Red Army since: since 1919 to 1945

      11. Place of service (name of the unit) and position occupied when awarded: Second in Command of regiment on combatant issues. 102nd Guards mechanized 35th Guards division

      12. Current place of service and position: temporarily unemployed

      13. Home address of the awardee: 17 Karl Libknekht St., apt. 4, Minsk

      14. Record of previous awards

      Names of orders, medals Their numbers Document numbers Ground for award


      Red Star 155224 Temp. certificate 532825 Order to 10th Army No 0259 of April 23, 1943

      Red Banner 224128 Temp. certificate 129108 Decree of the USSR Supreme Council of November 03, 1944

      Lenin order 61060 Decree of November 06, 1945

      20th Anniversary of the Workers? and Peasants? Red Army Decree of February 22, 1938

      For the Victory Over Germany

      Signature of awardee (signed) ________________________

      Data correctness

      and signature of awardee Kogonovichsky district military commissar

      attested by: Lieutenant Colonel of executive department (signed)

      May 28, 1944

    3. Brief description of personal feat or merits

      Junior Lieutenant Bogachev G.V., being in battle arrays since January 03 to January 15, 1943 during the period of 330th rifle regiment attack at Shlisselburg under the enemy?s continuous fire provided advance of his infantry. He skillfully adjusted fire of platoon by artillery fire, thus he destroyed up to 100 Hitlerites and 3 heavy machine-guns in earth-and-timber emplacements. He neutralized 5 machine-guns and two mortar batteries.

      In spite of continuous communication breaks, comrade Bogachev managed to use radio station to be in touch with the regiment and direct artillery fire, thus assisting our infantry in capture of the territory from Maryino cemetery to narrow-gage railroad and in getting a grip thereof.

      Comrade Bogachev deserves to be recommended for the government order ?Red Star?.

      Commander of 871st fighting anti-tank artillery regiment . Artillery of reserve of the Main Command.

      Lieutenant Colonel (signed) /Cherkasov/

      January 06, 1943

      Awarded with Red Star order under order to 67th Army No 082/N of February 06, 1943

    4. Record card

      Order book № 741751

      1. Last name: Bogachev

      2. First, middle names: Georgy Vladimirovich

      3. Military rank: Lieutenant

      4. Sex: Male

      5. Year of birth: 1913

      6. Place of birth: Chertorizh station, Volyn region

      7. Party membership since: non-party

      8. Education: higher

      9. Nationality: Ukrainian

      10. In the Red Army since: since November 1939 to September 1944

      11. Place of service (name of the unit) and position occupied when awarded: 871st light artillery regiment, 79th light artillery brigade, Leningrad Front, Battery Commander

      12. Current place of service and position: Shepetovka, Kamenets-Podolsk region, representative of Planning Board.

      13. Home address of the awardee: 126 K. Marx St., Shepetovka, Kamenets-Podolsk region

      14. Record of previous awards

      Names of orders, medals Their numbers Document numbers Ground for award


      Red Banner 82077 Temp. certificate Г-065498 Order to command of artillery of Leningrad Front No 017/N of March 04, 1944

      For the Defense of Leningrad Perm. certificate H-00912 Decree of December 22, 1942

      For the Victory Over Germany Perm. Cert. И-0362508 Decree of May 09, 1945

      For Heroic Labour Perm. Cert. З-0105025 Decree of June 06, 1945

      Red Star 91677 Order to 67th Army No 082/N of January 30, 1943

      Signature of awardee (signed) ________________________

      Data correctness

      and signature of awardee Shepetovka city ??

      attested by: Major (signed)

      December 09, 1946

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