Hi Tony - amazing! Thank you so much for this info, I spent hours searching the internet but didn’t really know what I was looking for. Yes, far right is my Grt Grandfather - I’m presuming this was ww1 so it’s the only clue as to what he may have done during the war. Brilliant! Thank you, that’s a great help!
Hi all,
please could anyone help me with any info identifying anything in this photo? Particularly interested in the man seated on far right - I know he was a locomotive draughtsman by profession but we are presuming this photo is from WW1, possibly army or Red Cross judging by the cross on their uniforms? Any observations at all would be appreciated!
many thanks
Hi everyone,
Is anyone able to help me identify any rank or meaning behind this uniform? Especially the design of cap and stars on the collar? Also any ideas of what the colours of the uniform may be? The photo was taken in either Vienna or Czernowitz I think around 1910.
many thanks
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