"73151" should be the code name of this unit, and from the words on the front of this medal, it can be inferred that this is a brigade-level unit responsible for air defense tasks
I wonder, is it made from inventory or is it fabricated? After all, anti-guerrilla badges are very sensitive, and the official Federal Germany may not allow them to be displayed
I noticed that the back of the medal on the left states that it is silver, and I recommend testing its composition, if it is indeed silver, it should be true
It looks like its makers wanted to concoct a plot that seemed plausible, since the third medal in the fifth row was awarded to people with disabilities who participated in sports competitions
I bought a piece of the West German Medal and my friends thought it might be spliced because it was unthinkable to get so many honors, what do you guys suggest about itI'm sorry I didn't take a good picture, but it would have been delicate and the details were very good
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