Hi Gordon. Thank you thus far. The fellow that I bought them from is in his 80s and has owned them for over 30 years so they probably are right and the medals are for sure the old miniatures not newer ones. In hand you can see that they have been together for decades so I think that is very good.
I was hoping that it might be an easier task on the group of 10 as it also has a DSO and the British South Africa Company Rhodesia 1896 medal. The group of 7 has an Edward VII DCM which I think also narrows things down a little as I know that this would have been the fewest awarded.
Any more help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Mark.
The group of 10 medals are as follows:
1. Victoria Cross
2. DSO - Distinguished Service Order with "GR" cypher. (no V / VI / VII on it)
3. British South Africa Company Medal with Rhodesia 1896
4. Queens Sudan Medal.
5. QSA with bars for South Africa 1901 / South Africa 1902 / Wittebergen / Cape Colony
6. Africa General Service Medal with Somaliland 1902-04 bar.
7. Edward VII Natal Rebellion Medal with 1906 bar.
8. WW1 War Medal.
9. WW1 Victory Medal with MID device
10.Khedive's Sudan medal
The group of 7 medals is as follows:
1. Victoria Cross
2. DCM - Distinguished Conduct Medal Edward VII version.
3. QSA with bars for "Transvaal / Orange Free State / Cape Colony
4. KSA with bars for "South Africa 1901 / South Africa 1902".
5. Edward VII Tibet Medal with clasp for "Gyantse".
6. WW1 War Medal.
7. WW1 Victory Medal.