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    Everything posted by mossop

    1. Thanks for explaining that, my German is very poor, I'm mainly using an online translator Finding the Carl Niemeyer living near Brunswick in 1821 sounds very promising and also you mention "Commissarius und Amtmann" - so this is an officer that would relate to War Commissariat? Forgive my ignorance here, I'm used to researching British Soldiers of this period and just getting started with German Mossop
    2. Wow great going guys!, that sounds like a good lead, found this also, possibly the same man? Dem Amtshauptmann zur Seite stand 1818 der Amtsassessor und sp?tere Amtmann Otto Carl Niemeyer (amtierte noch 1828). Er schrieb: ?Ueber Criminal-Verbrechen, peinliche Strafen, und deren Vollziehungen, besonders aus ?lteren Zeiten / aus den Criminal-Acten des K?nigl. Hannov. Amts Meinersen gr??tentheils gesammelt?, L?neburg 1824 (Bibliothek des OLG Celle A 64.447.553). Niemeyers Werk ist als Anhang in das Neue vaterl?ndische Archiv, Jahrgang 1824, eingearbeitet. Auf der Ank?ndigung des Verkaufstermins der Gastwirtschaft Neuegarten in Uetze unterschrieben am 2. August 1824 vom K?niglich Gro?britannisch-Hannoverschen Amt Meinersen von D?ring, Niemeyer und Stelling (?Braunschweigische Anzeigen?, Amt Meinersen). Many thanks for that Mossop :cheers:
    3. Thanks for looking into this Barry/Rick, I'll take your advice and try the Imperial Reseach forum also. Rick, so Kriegs Commissariat is a Quartermaster, his Rank is given as Aide? Mossop
    4. I had this topic on the Napoleonic forum but it was suggested posting it here incase anyone can help: I wonder if anyone has any thoughts regarding a Man who served with the Brunswick Army in 1815 as I'm totally stuck. His name was Carl Niemeyer and served with the Kriegs Commissariat. I believe these men were civilians of Officer rank. I've checked Brunswick, KGL and British lists for the period (peninsular War also) but I've found nothing on him at all and have been told it will probably be impossible to find anything. I have Schaumann's book ' on the road with Wellington' who was also with the Kriegs Commissariat, so have an idea of what they were responsible for but would be great to find more on the man himself. Any thoughts would be much appreciated Mossop
    5. I wonder if anyone has any thoughts regarding a Man who served with the Brunswick Army in 1815 as I'm totally stuck. His name was Carl Niemeyer and served with the Kriegs Commissariat. I believe these men were civilians of Officer rank. I?ve checked Brunswick, KGL and British lists for the period (peninsular War also) but I?ve found nothing on him at all and have been told it will probably be impossible to find anything. I have Schaumann?s book ? on the road with Wellington? who was also with the Kriegs Commissariat, so have an idea of what they were responsible for but would be great to find more on the man himself. Any thoughts would be much appreciated Mossop
    6. sorry Igor my friend sold this before Xmas Mossop
    7. Sorry Igor My friend sold this before Xmas Mossop
    8. Can anyone tell me if their are lists for the Award of the Russian Order of St George for Waterloo. A friend has a document for one of these Awards issued in 1840 to a Unteroffizier Carl Heinrich Pre(T or L)in of the 4th Kurmark Landwehr cavalry - its numbered 3427 - which I believe was the number impressed on the medal? Thanks Mossop
    9. Thanks for the updated writeup Barry its of great help Mossop
    10. To be honest it wasn't much more than what I got it for, not that I didn't think it was worth more just thought the 'big guns' would be out and I'd have no chance! Appologies for the out bid - I owe you a drink Mossop
    11. Will do Ulsterman, thanks for letting me know Great stuff Barry, that information is fantastic, would have taken me forever to get such information together. I have another German medal to an Officer who fought for the Prussians, Westphalia and finally Hannover (in a previous post) but have never looked into the Bavarian part before. Anything else you can ask (feeling I'm asking too much already!) would be great. Mossop
    12. Many thanksfor you suggestion Ulsterman, I'll try and find someone that does reasearch in the Munich Archives - presume this is where I'd find the survivors list also? Mossop
    13. Thanks Stogieman, I've got other Napoleonic medals but never thought I'd get one to a Bavarian that I could possibly research. Mossop
    14. Thanks Rick glad I've got his name for certain now. Mossop
    15. I picked this group up, it just arrived today and is quite fantastic! - I too was very suprised at the price. I've posted a question on the Imperial research forum if anyone can help with the man that would be great. Mossop
    16. Thanks Chris, hadn't bothered checking previous posts Hopefully I can get a positive ID in the surname Mossop
    17. I recently purchased a very nice pair of medals in a box and wonder if anyone can help with research. The box has a name within (see image) , the name appears to be michael joseph flec(h, k??) Any suggestion with what the surname is for certain or if it would be possible to research the man would be great. I'm guessing he was an Officer as this kind of display couldn't have been cheap? mossop
    18. I'm trying to get together files on two pilots but have been stuck for some time on several points, hopefully someone on the forum can help. Lt Hermann Muller I've got a fair amount on this pilot; his units from 1916- 18 and details of his death in 1923 in a flying accident (flying a Junkers F.13). I'm missing some infomation on his Service after he crashed and broke his legs in Jan 1918 while flying with Seefrosta. He was apparently promoted Lt on 23rd May 1918 but I don't know if he went back to Seefrosta or indeed flew again during the War? Kaplt Wilhelm Lowe Again I have a fair amount on this pilot but checking the rangliste I see he was promted Oblt Z see on 7th Jan 1920 and Kaplt on 16th June 1922. Does anyone have any specific details of his service during this period and possible later service? Also he won a life saving medal for an incident on 1st Nov 1914, I think he was serving at Seeflugstation Helgoland at the time, any details of what this was for would be great also - I know I'm not asking for much here! Thanks Mossop
    19. Thanks again Dan,Ulsterman and wild card Very interesting about the German Post Office Archives, I think I've read that being in charge of a Post Office was an important role in the 19th Century - I'll certainly look into this. Thanks for the explaination of the St. Helena medal, I didn't know such a medal exists but I've checked online after your post and found details of it - shame they weren't named! I'll look at a badget of about $1000 for one of these Crosses, its actually a little less than I expected (not that I'm saying its a small amount!) but it would be nice to have one to display next to his Hanoverian Waterloo. I'll certainly keep in mind what you say about later issues. Totally agree about the price of Hanoverian Waterloo's compared to British, I have a British Officers also and compared to Wundenberg's it cost much, much more. I also have a Brunswick Waterloo and it always amazes me the price difference, especially when they were all at the same battle... I don't know very much about the German States side of things during the Napoleonic Wars (My interest normally being Napoleonic Naval and Colonial Wars) but the more I've read, the more interesting I've found it. Wundenberg is a great example as he fought for Prussia, France and under Wellington all in 9 years.. The Brunswick medal I have is to a man I think also fought in the Kings German Legion in Spain. Thanks again Mossop
    20. Thanks Hardy and Ulsterman Good to know what these cross's roughly go for Picture of the Officer is excellent - I'll stick that in my file. I don't know anything of the St.Helena medal but He died in 1870? Mossop
    21. Fantastic!! - many thanks wild card, great to have such a good quality pic also. It would be really nice to try and find an example to go with my medal- I presume they are very rare and very expensive? Mossop
    22. Thanks for your reply SPM, your suggestion of medal sounds a good possibility. Here is what I have on him so far in my files - any corrections would also be appreciated MAJOR HEINRICH WUNDENBERG Born Bockenem - Principality of Hildesheim 8th Sept 1788 Died Hildesheim 12th Nov 1870 aged 82 Jan 1806 conscripted into Prussian Guard aged 17. Part of Corps of Prince Hohenlohe at battle of Jena Oct 1806 where he was wounded. He was captured at Prenzlau but escaped with two other soldiers. 1807- joined Westphalian Grenadier Guards - promoted Corporal and then Sergeant. 1809 - Transferred to 8th Infantry of Line forming at Hildesheim as NCO Instructor 1810 - Transferred to 1st Battalion Light Infantry Regiment (chasseurs) being formed at Paderborn 1811 - Promoted Lieutenant by vote of Officers of Corps 1812 - Regiment part of 8th Westphalian Army corps under Jerome, King of Westphalia that forms part of Napoleons Grand Armee invading Russia. Takes part in Battles of Smolensk and Borodino as well as smaller affairs. Shot in chest at Battle of Borodino but fortunately saved by his greatcoat which was worn rolled and slung, therefore only badly bruised. While the Westphalian Corps was left in the locality of Borodino, 1st and 2nd Light Battalions were assigned to the advanced guard which entered Moscow. During the subsequent retreat from Moscow Wundenberg, along with 1 Captain and 60 Men were assigned to convoying the Ammunition Wagons when they were attacked and captured by 5/600 Cossacks. Wundenberg alone escapes -the rest of the prisoners die in captivity. He rejoins his Regiment and after much hardship what is left of the Grande Armee reaches the Berezina. Wundenberg is one of the few men to cross the river and is one of only 7 from his Regiment. The retreat continues and by the time they reach Prussian soil Wundenberg suffers a nervous breakdown at Posen, he is one of the lucky ones as the retreat as such is over but casualties have been terrible - especially those of the Westphalian?s. Out of 824 men of the 1st Westphalian Chasseurs who marched to Russia, only 6 returned. Out of the 27,000 Westphalian Contingent only 110 were to return at the end of November 1812! 1813 - Transferred to Grenadier Guards at Kassel, unit remains at Kassel during expedition against Saxon Army and therefore avoids having to fight them (much to Wundenberg?s relief) 1814 - Joines Hanoverian Army as Senior Lieutenant of Landwher Battalion Hildesheim (3rd Company). July 1814 marches to Antwerp. 1815 - Landwher Battalion Hildesheim forms part of General Campbell?s Division of Wellington?s Army at Quatre Bras and Waterloo and capture of Paris. 1816 - Arrives back in Hildsheim in January and appointed Staff Captain.- all this accomplished by the age of 27!- Takes lessons in Mathematics, Arithmetic, Geometry and plan drawing. 1823 - Officer in charge of geometric surveying and praised by the Commission for his work. 1828 - Appointed Company CO, 6th Infantry at Stadt. 1836 - Gets Pneumonia - retires from Military with Rank of Major. 1839 - Appointed Manager of Post Office at Goslar. 1847 - Retires Wrote Memoir ? My Military Experiences 1806 - 1816? sept 1867 from which all of the above is extracted Mossop
    23. I recently picked up a rather interesting German Officers Hanoverian Waterloo medal to a Lieut in the Landwher Batt Hildsheim and it Seems he fought for the Prussians at Jena, part of the Westphalian Corps with Napoleon during the Russian Campaign of 1812 and with the Hanoverians at Waterloo. He wrote an account of his military experiences and their is a photo of him in this account wearing two medals. One is the Hanoverian Waterloo and I'm guessing the other is a War Service Cross of some type - maybe someone knows which one ? - The picture is not too clear unfortunately. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Mossop
    24. Hi Eddie It was actually the medal or casualty rolls/lists I was after but thanks for the links though as I didn't know either of them. Regards Mossop
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