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    Bernhard H.Holst

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    Posts posted by Bernhard H.Holst

    1. Have these 1916 x-rays ever been published for our viewing? Thanks for this information.

      Hello Kenneth. Pictures are indeed available for viewing. However I am unable to link anything ( have not yet "mastered" that science).

      But here is an address to use in which the album can be seen which I mentioned:

      http://www.ingolstadt.de/dmm/ or here http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/roentgenbilder-aus-dem-ersten-weltkrieg-fotostrecke-117881.html

      Bernhard H. Holst

    2. Hello readers.

      The German news magazine Der Spiegel recently published an article concerning the use the German military made of the fairly recent discovery of x-rays by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen. Already in 1901 Bavarian military doctors wrote to Bavarian garrison hospitals that x-rays were a compelling necessity.

      W.C.Roentgen never applied for patents for his invention. He received the Nobel Prize in 1901. The prize money he gave to a university.

      The article mentions the case of a Ludwig Bergmann who was wounded early in the war through a bullet in the left lower leg. X-ray found the bullet's location in the heel.This was not visible to the naked eye. The bullet was extracted but complications caused a permanent limp.

      Current exhibitions contain x-rays of that period which experts consider quite exact. Cases of wounds to internal organs like the lungs now became visible to the surgeons. Even more mobile x-ray machines were improvised with the help of motor vehicles power supply.

      The Bavarian duke Carl Theodor who had a medical degree in eye science and was married to Maria Josepha, the daughter of the exiled former king of Portugal had founded an eye clinic meant primarily for less fortunate patients. After his death in 1909 his widow continued the clinic which she transformed into a military hospital after the outbreak of hostilities..In 1916 patients of the hospital had assembled an album with x-ray pictures dedicated to her on her birthday. It contained a total of 81 x-ray pictures with detailed information on the patients.

      It may be interesting to hear of x-ray application on the allied side.

      Bernhard H. Holst.

    3. Hello Jock.

      Another harvest of interesting documents.

      In Post # 2: the very first one pertains to nation-wide collection of clothes etc which were then utilized as raw material in the manufacture of new uniforms etc.

      Note the date ( 1942) so past that destructive winter 1941/42 in the Soviet-Union. The German military were able to furnish winter resistant clothing for the coming winter campaign.

      But they certainly stumbled into the first one unprepared thinking a swift campaign making any winter preparation unnecessary?

      The following documents all have sad connotations as they are directed towards Heroes Remembrance Day.

      Thanks for showing these.

      Bernhard H. Holst

    4. Hello Jock.

      Interesting book you retrieved.

      Ernst "Putzi" Hanfstaengl whose name appears as the "author" was an early confident and favorite of Hitler until he fell out of favor.

      Belonged to a prominent German family, attended Harvard and managed the U.S. branch of the family business and resided in Germany later. Fell out of favor with Hitler and during WW II assisted the U.S. government. His later publications should be taken with a grain of salt.

      Thanks for showing this.

      Bernhard H. Holst

    5. I share the sentiments expressed above.

      I can think of a reason not much attention is presently given to the matter. The USA after all did not enter the war as a true participant until April, 1917.

      Bur then this thinking may be charitable considering society being much more interested in celebrities ( so called ) or other " talents" than important matters.

      . But then we here are clearly biased by our general interest in history, many times by being or having been a part of events.

      Bernhard H. Holst

      BTW:: I read having the leisure time to do so, German newspapers, British and French ones. This subject is certainly not buried. Based on clippings sent by my youngest sister who remained in Germany even their local paper has periodic articles about this subject, interesting extracts from local grammar ( grade) schools' diaries. These were apparently kept by statute and give a good impression of the going- ons . For example sale of horses was disallowed, reserve soldiers were given their call-up notices in a staggered fashion. This after secret instructions were retrieved from each post office vault upon a code word.

      Bernhard H. Holst

    6. Hello Chris.

      Yes, emotions were high and anti propaganda was in high gear.

      As an aside:

      As recently as 20 years ago I was asked what my "Vergehen" ( offense ) was to flee into the Legion.

      In 1956/57 I lodged with another Sgt. who worked in the section reviewing the past of new enlistees whose contracts had already been authorized. He told me there was a time span of four months during which the contract could be rescinded should some negative background pop up. Those who did not make that cut were escorted to an applicable border and handed to the tender care of local authorities. The Legion had more than enough applicants not to be bothered with probable iffy elements to try and whip into shape.

      Bernhard H. Holst

    7. Hello Rick and Jock.

      One must keep important documents, of course. Perhaps some day one may have to prove one's existence. That I have to do once a year for the French Social Security to continue to draw about $ 150/month.( for 6 years French military service and what I paid into German social security for the few years I worked there).

      That aside we have begun to shred in a serious way to get rid of stuff.

      Will make it easier later.

      Bernhard H. Holst

    8. Bernhard,

      Well, I a'm 'grounded' this weekend, I have to do some house work, maybe I will be allowed out to play tomorrow if the house is 'spick n span' tonight!

      I shall ply the wife with wine and 'egg banjo's' this evening to see if that alters her mood.

      Jock :)

      Hello Jock.

      And what pray tell, are "egg banjo's"?

      Personally I am no longer able to perform chores of the smallest kind. Just able to drive myself and the other half of the management to appointments and such. But it could be worse....

      Wishing you a decent week-end never the less,

      Bernhard H. Holst

    9. Bernhard,

      Thank you for your research, I guess all of the paperwork (Op orders) is left over from the pre war years as I think it is all from him as it was in one folder. Shame he has no grave but then so many don't. Honor Roll is quite unusual and posthumus, I have often wondered about the mechanics of it all as I thought the HR was obsolete when DK came into being? Always something new to learn every day.

      IG, as a fellow Gunner I knew you would apreciate it.

      Jock :)

      Hello Jock.

      Since my last post I had a look at the 1944 German Army Ranklist because of the peculiar last name and did not find any one with such name.

      As to the Honor Roll Clasp:

      the clasp itself was instituted only in early 1944. Before that it was simply an inscription on the Honor Roll of the army. ( Navy and airforce had their separate ones) without any "outer" distinction. It never became obsolete just rarely awarded ( about 4,000 or so).

      The German Cross i. Gold was instituted in Oct. 1941 and did not rank between the Iron Cross 1.class and the Knight Cross as often assumed.

      Oftentimes when a proposal for a Knight Cross was received by the reviewing authority at the Personnel Office and was deemed inadequate for that level of award the Honor Roll or the German Cross was instead recommended. This could have been the case with our officer here.

      BTW: the one assignment to IV.Abteilung shows he was a "heavy" qualified officer.

      It seems there is no other trace of him unless any division or regimental history contains mention of him.

      Keep this type of material coming.

      Bernhard H. Holst

    10. Hello Jock.

      Again an interesting find.

      I located the following information regarding who I believe this officer to have been, namely:

      Bruno Jucknies, Obstlt. DoB 17.05.1905, died of wounds 24.10.1943 at Sanitaetskompanie 2/251, motorisiert HVP ( Hauptverbandsplatz ) Novo Alexejewska; a grave site has not been established as yet. Information per Volksbund.

      He was apparently decorated with the Honor Roll Clasp after death with date of 27.11.1943 as Oberstlt. Art.Rgt.7;

      Received the German Cross i.Gold as Major, IV./Art.Rgt. 256 on 05.Apr.1943.

      I am quite certain that it is him because of the rarity of his last name, his arm being Artillery and all his shown assignment were arty.

      Bernhard H. Holst

    11. Bernhard,

      Thats the problem with wars, the opposition never follow the script, bloody anoying, all that planning for nothing!

      Losses on any side these days are a shame, you would think that given the last century we may have evolved a bit, ironic I know it is since I have 23 years service but I suppose it is only with age you get a bit wiser. I am now a confirmed pacifist, I distrust all of the politicians that squander our young soldiers lives just because it is harder to not do it. LMF from them all. Chinless twats!

      Jock :)

      Hello Jock.

      I hear you loud and clear.

      Also it is said that anyway the best of plans usually do not survive the first day of battle.

      Bernhard H. Holst

    12. Hello Chris.

      Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

      The one gentleman also served in Indochina as his many decorations testified.

      Their origin from the mountains of Morocco made them particularly able to operate on Corsica and other regions. One Tabor was destroyed in the debacle of RC 4 in Tonkin in October of 1950. Our unit never operated with any Goum because of the different modes of deployment in the field ( amphibious vs mountainous environment). But they were well known!

      Bernhard H. Holst

    13. Bernhard,

      I think is like with most Armies the information is there, you just have to relearn the lessons. Bit like us with the convoy drills against the U-boats, and then the US having to discover the same on entry into the war when it should already have been known? I assume alot of what is in there is from WW1 when engaged onthe Russian front then?

      Jock :)

      Hello Jock.

      Possibly a lot was recalled from WW I campaigns in the East. Apart from the army the airforce also had to learn in a hurry.

      BTW: I always had the belief that the Israeli Defense Force was always up to date because of its nearly permanent involvement in military action. The present events in the Gaza operation seems to indicate of their being up against some unforeseen obstacles and very regrettably high losses.

      Bernhard H. Holst

    14. Hello Jock.

      Interesting information. After blundering into the campaign against the Soviet Union and exposing the soldiers to a terrible winter the army appeared to have learned some bitter lessons in winter warfare. So in August 1942 these instructions were issued. They seem on the surface to be sound instructions but I am not one to judge that in any way not having been exposed to that kind of warfare.

      Bernhard H. Holst

    15. Hello readers.

      On the 20th of July, 1944 a group of conspirators mainly among German officers attempted to take the life of A. Hitler. Col. Count Stauffenberg had access to Hitler's headquarters because of his staff assignment in the Home Army H.Q. which required attendance at Hitler's conferences. On July 20, 1944 the opportunity presented itself to place explosives in the conference room. However only one charge was placed due to time constraints while the second one was kept away. If that one even unarmed would have been kept with the armed one, it would also have been set off. In that case no one in that room would have survived.

      As the saying goes: the rest is history.

      For those who may be interested in refreshing their reading on this subject, the several books by Peter Hoffmann who enjoyed good contacts to the Stauffenberg family and who has written extensively about the German resistance to the Hitler regime can be highly recommended. These books are available in both English and German language editions.

      Bernhard H. Holst

    16. Thanks again, Bernhard. Dalloz's comments seem a little strange, don't they? Unless the Maghrebiens and other Africans were not used as combat troops, why would they have avoided combat deaths? Certainly I would expect that the Legionnaires would have been in the front lines - how did they escape combat deaths? On the other hand, why would the French have avoided death by disease? And no breakdown of Indochinese cause of deaths (about 40,000+), whom you have discussed many times in previous posts as being on the front lines.

      Perhaps we'll never know the real answers.



      Hello Hugh.

      I take it that you share my take on the Dalloz writing. It seems difficult to obtain itemized figures as to the origin or the affiliated formations of all those who died. In any case all those who served and had to give their lives regardless of the cause of death deserve our consideration and recognition as good soldiers.

      BTW: a note for all readers: all books by Bernard Fall are well worth reading

      Bernhard H. Holst

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